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A1-150  A151-300  A301-450  A451-600  601-750 A751-900  A901-1050  A1051-1200  A1201-1350  A1351-1500  A1501-1648 





Context of query
o0202001.042vc 1426 ottobre 17 Authority to the administrator for remediation of the damages caused to third parties for broken roof tiles. Bernardo d'Amerigo Donati, provveditore - balia per embrici rotti
o0202001.042vf 1426 ottobre 17 Authority to the administrator for the purchase of "chiavatoi" and boards. Bernardo, provveditore - può acquistare assi e chiavatoi
o0202001.042vi 1426 ottobre 17 Authority to the administrator and to the master builder for repairs to the roofs of the houses of the canons, of the chaplains and of the clerics. provveditore - provvede acconcimi case del clero
o0202001.042vi 1426 ottobre 17 Authority to the administrator and to the master builder for repairs to the roofs of the houses of the canons, of the chaplains and of the clerics. provveditore risponde in proprio di spesa maggiore
o0202001.044b 1426 ottobre 25 Authorization to the administrator to give back roof tiles, previously broken, to the Tedaldi. provveditore - restituisce embrici
o0202001.045vc 1426 novembre 6 Order to the administrator to make repairs to a house that is rented out. provveditore - autorizzato per acconcimi
o0202001.045vg 1426 novembre 14 Authorization to the administrator to repair the organs of the Duomo. provveditore - deve far aggiustare organi
o0202001.046vg 1426 dicembre 5 Authorization to the administrator to debit a new iron sledge hammer to the convent of the friars of Ognissanti. provveditore - fa pagare nuova mazza da convento
o0202001.047va 1426 dicembre 16 Authorization to the administrator to make adjustments to the sacristy where the clerics sleep. provveditore - fa fare lavori in sacrestia
o0202001.047vc 1426 dicembre 16 Election and relative confirmation of the administrator, the scribe and the master builder. Bernardo d'Amerigo Donati, provveditore
o0202001.047vc 1426 dicembre 16 Election and relative confirmation of the administrator, the scribe and the master builder. Bernardo d'Amerigo Donati, provveditore - conferma d'elezione
o0202001.047ve 1426 dicembre 16 Salary set for the debt collectors in Pisa of the testamentary legacies. Niccolò di Luca Albizzi, provveditore di Pisa - elegge esattori
o0202001.049va 1426/7 gennaio 22 Authorization to the administrator to commission large broad bricks. Bernardo d'Amerigo Donati, provveditore - autorizzato condotta quadroni grandi
o0202001.050vb 1426/7 gennaio 31 Authorization to the administrator to lend a rope. provveditore - può prestare canapo
o0202001.050vf 1426/7 febbraio 4 Authority to the supervisor of the cupola to contract out the kiln of the abbey of Settimo. Filippo di ser Brunellesco, provveditore della cupola - balia per allogagione di fornace
o0202001.051vc 1426/7 febbraio 11 Election of the administrator of Trassinaia for the winter and authority to the same to rent out a house. Andrea di Capretta, provveditore a Trassinaia - Trassinaia
o0202001.051vc 1426/7 febbraio 11 Election of the administrator of Trassinaia for the winter and authority to the same to rent out a house. Andrea di Capretta, provveditore a Trassinaia - Trassinaia
o0202001.051vc 1426/7 febbraio 11 Election of the administrator of Trassinaia for the winter and authority to the same to rent out a house. Andrea di Capretta, provveditore a Trassinaia - Trassinaia, organizza maestranze
o0202001.051vc 1426/7 febbraio 11 Election of the administrator of Trassinaia for the winter and authority to the same to rent out a house. Andrea di Capretta, provveditore a Trassinaia - Trassinaia, balia per casa
o0202001.051vd 1426/7 febbraio 11 Prohibition to serve in the office of administrator of Lastra and Malmantile if not by election of the wardens. provveditore a Lastra e Malmantile - Lastra e Malmantile
o0202001.051vd 1426/7 febbraio 11 Prohibition to serve in the office of administrator of Lastra and Malmantile if not by election of the wardens. operai - eleggono provveditore
o0202001.051ve 1426/7 febbraio 11 Authority to the master builder and administrator to buy "chiavatoi" and fir boards. Bernardo d'Amerigo, provveditore - acquista chiavatoi
o0202001.051ve 1426/7 febbraio 11 Authority to the master builder and administrator to buy "chiavatoi" and fir boards. Bernardo d'Amerigo, provveditore - acquista assi
o0202001.052b 1426/7 (febbraio) 19 Authorization to the administrator to lend boards and hardware to sculptor. provveditore - può prestare assi
o0202001.053vb 1426/7 marzo 6 Authorization to the administrator to contract out mortar for Malmantile and letter to the masters instructing them to continue to work. provveditore - alloga calcina
o0202001.053vi 1426/7 marzo 8 Authorization to repair the roofs of the houses of the priests. Opera. provveditore - autorizzato per acconcimi
o0202001.054vf 1427 aprile 2 Authorization to sell a slab to the Calimala guild. provveditore - può vendere lapide
o0202001.056b 1427 aprile 4 Authority to master builder, scribe and administrator to set the salary of the unskilled workers for the summer. Bernardo d'Amerigo, provveditore - balia per salario manovali
o0202001.056va 1427 aprile 8 Loan of objects and injunction to masters and unskilled workers to assist Ciuffagni. provveditore - autorizzato a prestare oggetti
o0202001.056vd 1427 aprile 8 Authority to the administrator to contract out hoisting of loads up to the cupola with salary set. Bernardo d'Amerigo Donati, provveditore - alloga tiratura pesi
o0202001.057va 1427 aprile 9 Prohibition to pay the masters who cheated the Opera long ago in the excavation entrusted to them of the walls of the keep of Castellina. provveditore - trattiene pagamento per frode
o0202001.058f 1427 maggio 7 Oath of wardens and authority to the administrator for sale of kiln. Bernardo d'Amerigo Donati, provveditore - balia vendita fornace
o0202001.059va 1427 maggio 7 Authorization to the master builder to permit the quarrying of sandstone blocks in Trassinaia, according to the requirements of the Wool Guild. provveditore dell'Arte della Lana - può fare estrarre pietre da cava
o0202001.060a 1427 maggio 14 Confirmation of the administrator, the master builder and the scribe. Bernardo d'Amerigo Donati, provveditore - riconferma
o0202001.060vc 1427 maggio 28 Dispatch of the master builder with another master to Malmantile and election of the latter as administrator of the castle. Nanni d'Andrea da Prato, provveditore a Malmantile - Malmantile
o0202001.060vf 1427 maggio 28 Taxation of pawns and their consignment to the administrator. provveditore - tassa pegni
o0202001.060vf 1427 maggio 28 Taxation of pawns and their consignment to the administrator. provveditore - riceve pegni
o0202001.060vf 1427 maggio 28 Taxation of pawns and their consignment to the administrator. camarlingo delle prestanze - consegna pegni a provveditore
o0202001.061c 1427 giugno 12 Contract with Brunelleschi for transport of white marble up the Arno with term for consignment. Bernardo d'Amerigo, provveditore - alloga marmo
o0202001.062c 1427 giugno 21 Permission to the administrator to spend up to 18 lire for the feast of Saint John. provveditore - licenza di spendere
o0202001.064f 1427 agosto 5 Injunction and term of payment to debtors inscribed in the book of the administrator. provveditore - registra debitori
o0202001.065vc 1427 agosto 20 Verification of account entries extracted from records of the public debt with cancellation of some that were erroneously registered. provveditore - va ufficio del Monte
o0202001.065ve 1427 agosto 20 Order to the administrator obtain reimbursement of the money spent for a lawsuit with the Commune of San Gimignano for the collection of testaments. Bernardo, provveditore - inviato a banco per rimborso
o0202001.067vb 1427 settembre 12 Authorization to have white marble conveyed from Pisa with advance on payment to the carters. Bernardo d'Amerigo Donati, provveditore - fa condurre marmo
o0202001.067ve 1427 settembre 19 Authorization to credit kilnmen for supply of mortar. Bernardo d'Amerigo, provveditore - accredita fornaciai
o0202001.068d 1427 settembre 19 Election of the administrator of Malmantile. Niccolò d'Andrea Bombeni, provveditore a Malmantile - Malmantile
o0202001.068ve 1427 settembre 25 Order to the administrator to debit to Brunelleschi the value of a rope to be purchased in substitution of another one lent to him. provveditore - addebita canapo
o0202001.068ve 1427 settembre 25 Order to the administrator to debit to Brunelleschi the value of a rope to be purchased in substitution of another one lent to him. provveditore - stima canapo
o0202001.068vf 1427 ottobre 7 Authority to master builder, administrator and (scribe) for the salaries of the masters, each reporting to the wardens. Bernardo d'Amerigo Donati, provveditore - balia per salari
o0202001.068vh 1427 ottobre 7 Authorization to administrator to buy rope for small windlass used by a (master). provveditore - può comprare canapo
o0202001.068vi 1427 ottobre 7 Authority to administrator and notary to make term of payment to debtors of the Opera. provveditore - balia per termine a debitori
o0202001.069e 1427 ottobre 10 Authority to the master builder and the administrator to have up to 30.000 pounds of white marble conveyed from Pisa with advance of 8 lire to each (carter). provveditore - balia per marmo
o0202001.069l 1427 ottobre 16 Letter to the administrator of Malmantile and the Podestà of Lastra and Signa to have the holes in the walls of the castle walled up at the expense of the masters. provveditore di Malmantile - Malmantile, fa rimurare buche
o0202001.069m 1427 ottobre 16 Order to purchase hooks and rings for the merlons of Malmantile at the lowest possible price. provveditore - acquista arpioni al minor prezzo
o0202001.069vn 1427 ottobre 20 Salary set for masters. provveditore - presenta lista salari
o0202001.070vc 1427 ottobre 22 Authority to the master builder, the administrator and the scribe to hire unskilled workers for the winter and set their salary. provveditore - balia per manovali
o0202001.071b 1427 ottobre 30 Confirmation of the salary of the administrator of Lastra and Malmantile. Niccolò d'Andrea Bombeni, provveditore a Lastra e Malmantile - Lastra e Malmantile
o0202001.071e 1427 ottobre 30 Salary of the administrator of the forced loans. Sandro Rondinelli, provveditore delle prestanze
o0202001.071f 1427 ottobre 30 Authority to the administrator to purchase a house from the superintendent of Santa Maria Nuova. Bernardo d'Amerigo Donati, provveditore - balia per acquisto di casa
o0202001.071vg 1427 novembre 5 Authorization to the administrator to rent out a house for a chaplain. provveditore - affitta casa
o0202001.072e 1427 novembre 10 Authorization to the administrator to contract out mortar with concession of advance. Bernardo d'Amerigo, provveditore - alloga calcina
o0202001.072e 1427 novembre 10 Authorization to the administrator to contract out mortar with concession of advance. Bernardo d'Amerigo, provveditore - dà parere su calcina
o0202001.072va 1427 novembre 18 Letter to the Podestà of Montelupo and Gangalandi instructing him to enjoin the representatives of a controversy. provveditore - non congeda avanti responso operai
o0202001.072vd 1427 novembre 26 Hiring of blacksmith. provveditore - stabilisce durata e salario
o0202001.073i 1427 dicembre 11 Authorization to the master builder and to the administrator to determine how much a creditor owes. provveditore - dichiara credito
o0202001.073vb 1427 dicembre 19 Authorization to the administrator to contract out 60.000 broad bricks of various measurements. Bernardo d'Amerigo Donati, provveditore - alloga quadroni
o0202001.073ve 1427 dicembre 19 Contract for 200.000 broad bricks. Bernardo d'Amerigo Donati, provveditore - fa condizioni allogagione
o0202001.074vb 1427 dicembre 23 Authorization to make a study in the house of a canon. provveditore - fa fare studio casa canonico
o0202001.075vg 1427/8 gennaio 8 Rent of house with shop to carpenter. Bernardo d'Amerigo, provveditore - affitta casa e bottega
o0202001.075vh 1427/8 gennaio 8 Injunction for debt collector with term for consignment of the pawns. provveditore - precetta esattore
o0202001.075vh 1427/8 gennaio 8 Injunction for debt collector with term for consignment of the pawns. provveditore - può multare esattore
o0202001.076c 1427/8 gennaio 14 Contract for 50.000 small broad bricks and advance on payment. provveditore - autorizzato ad allogare quadroni
o0202001.077a 1427/8 gennaio 22 Authorization to the administrator to contract out white marble for the external ribs of the great cupola and advance on payment. provveditore - alloga marmo
o0202001.077vf 1427/8 febbraio 9 Authorization to contract out white marble for external ribs of the cupola with advance on payment to be discounted with supply of broad bricks. Bernardo d'Amerigo Donati, provveditore - alloga marmo
o0202001.078d 1427/8 gennaio 29 Confirmation of term of payment to the Commune of Montecarelli and Viesca. provveditore - fa termine di pagamento
o0202001.078f 1427/8 gennaio 29 Fine of two carters for failed transport of marble and different use of the advance received. provveditore - può addebitare carradori
o0202001.078g 1427/8 gennaio 29 Debit to the account (of the supplier) for transport of marble paid to the carters. provveditore - accredita per marmo
o0202001.078h post 1427/8 febbraio 9 Order to respect the decisions taken against a kilnman. provveditore - applica sanzione
o0202001.078l 1427/8 febbraio 24 Term of payment to the Commune of Borgo San Lorenzo. provveditore - riceve fideiussioni
o0202001.080b 1427/8 marzo 16 Order to the administrator to exact debts in the city of Florence, under penalty of dismissal from office. provveditore - obbligo di riscossione
o0202001.080e 1427/8 marzo 19 Order to the administrator to charge the supplier for the transport of marble by land rather than river at a set price. provveditore - addebita costo trasporto marmo
o0202001.080f 1427/8 marzo 19 Authorization to fix the price of lumber transported from the forest for the crane of the cupola. provveditore - accredita conduttore
o0202001.080va 1427/8 marzo 24 Order to the administrator and master builder to repair the windows and glass oculus. provveditore - fa sistemare finestre e occhio
o0202001.080vb 1428 marzo 29 Authority to the administrator to solicit kilnmen and carters for broad bricks. provveditore - balia per quadroni
o0202001.081g 1428 aprile 8 Salary of masters for the summer. provveditore - fa salario maestri
o0202001.081vo 1428 aprile 28 Term of payment to the treasurers of the forced loans after the audit of the their account. provveditore - invia a specchio
o0202001.082b 1428 aprile 30 Authorization to the administrator and to the master builder to have a study made on request of a canon. provveditore - autorizzato per studio
o0202001.083va 1428 maggio 12 Authorization to the administrator of the Wool Guild to have four carters at his service for two days. provveditore dell'Arte della Lana - può avere carradori
o0202001.083vf 1428 maggio 12 Term to Brunelleschi for conveying to the Opera with boats the white marble that had been transported from Pisa to Empoli and Castelfranco with his “Badalone”. Bernardo d'Amerigo Donati, provveditore - fa termine
o0202001.083vf 1428 maggio 12 Term to Brunelleschi for conveying to the Opera with boats the white marble that had been transported from Pisa to Empoli and Castelfranco with his “Badalone”. Bernardo d'Amerigo Donati, provveditore - fa condurre marmo
o0202001.083vg 1428 maggio 12 Authorization to the administrator, scribe and master builder to fix the salaries of the hired masters and to elect necessary unskilled workers and fix their salaries. provveditore - fa salario maestranze
o0202001.083vg 1428 maggio 12 Authorization to the administrator, scribe and master builder to fix the salaries of the hired masters and to elect necessary unskilled workers and fix their salaries. provveditore - elegge manovali
o0202001.084e 1428 maggio 14 Authorization to pay installment to member of the Cortigiani family, in accordance with the indications of the administrator and notary of the Opera. provveditore - disciplina pagamento
o0202001.084f 1428 maggio 14 Authorization to the master builder to have the foundations rebuilt at the castle of Malmantile. provveditore - Malmantile, fa rimurare fondamenti
o0202001.084f 1428 maggio 14 Authorization to the master builder to have the foundations rebuilt at the castle of Malmantile. provveditore - Malmantile, colpevole rimuratura
o0202001.085e 1428 maggio 28 Authority to the administrator to rent out a house it has purchased to its present occupant. Bernardo d'Amerigo Donati, provveditore - balia per casa
o0202001.085va 1428 giugno 4 Authorization to pay workers who demolished the houses near the church of San Simone. provveditore - autorizza a pagare
o0202001.085vc 1428 giugno 4 New term for consignment to kilnman for supply of mortar, with threat of demand of payment. provveditore - può gravare
o0202001.085vd 1428 giugno 4 Authorization to the administrator to have marble conveyed from Pisa to the port of Signa. provveditore - tratta prezzo trasporto marmo con scafaioli
o0202001.085vf 1428 giugno 4 Authorization to the administrator to sell a slab. provveditore - può vendere lapide
o0202001.085vl 1428 giugno 15 Order to the administrator to discount 6 denari per lira from the account of the treasurer of the forced loans and term of payment to the same. provveditore - fa scomputo
o0202001.086d 1428 giugno 15 Authorization to make public proclamation of the term for restitution of pawns, on penalty of the sale of the same. provveditore - fa bando
o0202001.086e 1428 giugno 16 Commission for proclamation regarding pawns. provveditore - incarica banditore
o0202001.086l 1428 luglio 2 Election of appraisers for the statue of Saint Stephen, protector of the Wool Guild. provveditore - riceve giuramento estimatori
o0202001.086l 1428 luglio 2 Election of appraisers for the statue of Saint Stephen, protector of the Wool Guild. provveditore - addebita e accredita Arte
o0202001.086vi 1428 luglio 5 Agreements for the resolution of a lumber supply interrupted because of the war with partition between the suppliers and the Opera of the damages suffered because of the abandonment of cut lumber provveditore - accredita per 64 traini di legname tagliati in zona proibita
o0202001.087b 1428 luglio 2 Order to the administrator to keep note of the material salvaged from the destruction of the houses near the church of San Simone. Bernardo d'Amerigo Donati, provveditore - tiene computo materiale
o0202001.087vd 1428 luglio 14 Order to the administrator to have the latrines of the Duomo repaired and the wood supports of banners and shields. provveditore - fa fare acconcimi in chiesa
o0202001.087ve 1428 luglio 14 Authorization to contract out to carters the transport of white marble from Pisa to the Opera. provveditore - alloga trasporto marmo
o0202001.087vf 1428 luglio 14 Appraisal of rope lent to Brunelleschi. provveditore - contabilizza canapo
o0202001.087vg 1428 luglio 14 Authorization to have a window made to a well between two houses. provveditore - fa fare finestra
o0202001.088f 1428 luglio 20 Authorization to the administrator to credit kilnman for supply of mortar. provveditore - accredita fornaciaio
o0202001.088i 1428 luglio 20 Authorization to the administrator to pay bargemen, debiting the marble suppliers. provveditore - può pagare scafaioli
o0202001.088i 1428 luglio 20 Authorization to the administrator to pay bargemen, debiting the marble suppliers. provveditore - addebita trasporto marmo a conduttori
o0202001.088va 1428 luglio 27 Tare on supply of marble in part refused because black or not acceptable. Bernardo d'Amerigo Donati, provveditore - misura marmo
o0202001.088va 1428 luglio 27 Tare on supply of marble in part refused because black or not acceptable. Bernardo d'Amerigo Donati, provveditore - rifiuta marmo nero
o0202001.088va 1428 luglio 27 Tare on supply of marble in part refused because black or not acceptable. Bernardo d'Amerigo Donati, provveditore - rifiuta marmo non accettabile
o0202001.088vd 1428 agosto 4 Authorization to the administrator to put the books of the new gabelles at the disposition of the catasto officials. provveditore - mette libri a disposizione
o0202001.088vg 1428 agosto 5 Annulment of salary allowance of the treasurer of the forced loans. Sandro di Simone Rondinelli, provveditore delle prestanze - provvisione
o0202001.088vg 1428 agosto 5 Annulment of salary allowance of the treasurer of the forced loans. Sandro di Simone Rondinelli, provveditore delle prestanze - provvisione annullata
o0202001.088vg 1428 agosto 5 Annulment of salary allowance of the treasurer of the forced loans. Sandro di Simone Rondinelli, provveditore delle prestanze - tenuto a fare computo gratis
o0202001.089c 1428 agosto 16 Permission to the administrator to make arrest for theft that occurred in the houses of San Simone. provveditore - autorizzato a cattura
o0202001.089d 1428 agosto 16 Order to the administrator to select the good lumber from the tribune armature and authorization to the master builder to sell the rest. provveditore - sceglie legname
o0202001.089g 1428 agosto 16 Tare on three pieces of white marble conveyed from Pisa, because veined and black. provveditore - accredita con tara
o0202001.089vg 1428 agosto 20 Acceptance with tare of the white marble needed for the external ribs, that had previously been refused. provveditore - conteggia marmo
o0202001.090e 1428 agosto 26 Review of the debt of the past notary of the testaments with request for proof of claimed removal and sale of pawns to be credited to him and term of payment for the remaining sum dependent upon his ratification of these conditions. provveditore - accredita notaio
o0202001.090ve 1428 agosto 31 Order to the administrator of make tare on piece of white marble. provveditore - fa tara su marmo
o0202001.091a 1428 agosto 31 Authorization to the administrator to rent out two shops. provveditore - può affittare botteghe
o0202001.091d 1428 agosto 31 Release of kilnman from supply agreement which had been terminated. provveditore - assicura termine condotta
o0202001.091d 1428 agosto 31 Release of kilnman from supply agreement which had been terminated. provveditore - fa conteggio a fornaciao per condotta conclusa
o0202001.091g 1428 agosto 31 Dispatch of the administrator to Campi to count broad bricks and examine their quality and arrange for tare if necessary. provveditore - inviato a Campi
o0202001.091g 1428 agosto 31 Dispatch of the administrator to Campi to count broad bricks and examine their quality and arrange for tare if necessary. provveditore - numera quadroni
o0202001.091g 1428 agosto 31 Dispatch of the administrator to Campi to count broad bricks and examine their quality and arrange for tare if necessary. provveditore - stima quadroni
o0202001.091vd 1428 settembre 24 Order to the administrator and master builder to compile inventories of the houses of the Visdomini. provveditore - fa inventario
o0202001.091vf 1428 settembre 24 Authorization to contract out supply of mortar. provveditore - alloga calcina
o0202001.091vi 1428 ottobre 1 Authority to the administrator and the master builder for contract for cutting of lumber in the forest of Campigna. provveditore - alloga legname
o0202001.091vl 1428 ottobre 1 Authority to warden to mark the lumber to be sold. provveditore - segna legname
o0202001.092g 1428 ottobre 1 Order to the administrator to have marble conveyed to the Opera from the Communes of Castelfranco and Empoli at Brunelleschi's expense. provveditore - fa condurre marmo
o0202001.092g 1428 ottobre 1 Order to the administrator to have marble conveyed to the Opera from the Communes of Castelfranco and Empoli at Brunelleschi's expense. provveditore - addebita Brunelleschi
o0202001.092vb 1428 ottobre 12 Authorization to the administrator to sell broad bricks. provveditore - può vendere quadroni
o0202001.092vd 1428 ottobre 12 Tare on pieces of white marble previously refused by the consuls and wardens, to be conveyed to the Opera. provveditore - fa condurre marmo
o0202001.093a 1428 ottobre 25 Audit of the account of the treasurer of the forced loans. provveditore - può gravare
o0202001.093h 1428 novembre 13 Authorization to the administrator to sell up to 800 roof tiles. provveditore - vende embrici
o0202001.093i 1428 novembre 13 Authorization to the administrator to sell pebbles and hewn revetment stones. provveditore - vende pietre
o0202001.093l 1428 novembre 13 Authorization to the administrator to sell a tree stump in the forest. provveditore - vende toppo
o0202001.094h 1428 novembre 23 Authorization to the administrator to purchase a cartload of boards and "chiavatoi". provveditore - acquista assi e chiavatoi
o0202001.095a 1428 novembre 23 Authority to the administrator, master builder and scribe to elect unskilled workers and set their salary. provveditore - balia per manovali
o0202001.097b 1428 novembre 29 Authorization to buy a house in the court of the Visdomini. provveditore - può acquistare casa
o0202001.098e 1428 dicembre 29 Order to the administrator and master builder to have a study made in the house of a canon with limit of expenditure and to debit to him the eventual excess cost. provveditore - fa fare studio casa canonico
o0202001.098f 1428 dicembre 29 Order to return ironwork taken from one of the houses destroyed at San Simone. provveditore - pesa ferri
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