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1-150 A151-191 





Context of query
o0202001.214vd 1434 aprile 14 Alterations to the house and to the stable of a canon to enable the construction of two houses for chaplains. casa di Bernardo Spini, messer, canonico, orto - scala e stalla
o0201077.040vd 1420 maggio 18 Appraisal and setting of price of compensation for the old hardware and lumber salvaged from the church and from demolition in the convent of Santa Maria Novella for the Pope's residence. abitazione del Papa - stima per legname e ferramenta
o0201079.012va 1421 agosto 16 Assignment of part of the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella to the general of the order of San Domenico with agreements for restitution. abitazione del Papa, sala vecchia, parte anteriore - ingresso e uscita
o0202001.219c 1434 luglio 23 Assignment of two new houses to chaplains. chiostro del capitolo - case per Benedetto, ser, cappellano e Anselmo, ser, cappellano
o0202001.258b 1426 novembre 8 Audit of accounts of master masons for work at the castle of Lastra. Lastra, castello - mura e fondamenti
o0202001.258b 1426 novembre 8 Audit of accounts of master masons for work at the castle of Lastra. Lastra, castello, antiporto - volticciole ragguagliate e piene
o0202001.258c 1426 novembre 14 Audit of accounts of master masons for work at the castle of Lastra. Lastra, castello - fondamenti e mura dal bastone in giù
o0202001.258c 1426 novembre 14 Audit of accounts of master masons for work at the castle of Lastra. Lastra, castello - scala e arco della porta
o0202001.122vd 1429/30 febbraio 14 Authority for the contract of the paving in the street between the bell tower and the Tinucci house at set price. via tra campanile e casa Tinucci - lastrico
o0202001.121vi 1429/30 gennaio 26 Authority to Brunelleschi and the master builder for excavation and paving of a street. via tra campanile e casa Tinucci - sterro e lastrico
o0202001.121vi 1429/30 gennaio 26 Authority to Brunelleschi and the master builder for excavation and paving of a street. via tra campanile e casa Tinucci - sterro e lastrico
o0202001.129l 1430 settembre 6 Authority to excavate the street of the Campanile. via tra la casa dei Tinucci e il campanile
o0202001.193a 1432 dicembre 9 Authority to have a lavabo and cupboards of marble made in one of the two sacristies. una delle due nuove sacrestie - lavatoio e armadio
o0201070.001d 1416 dicembre 30 Authority to the administrator to prepare the place of the books of the new gabelles and of the forced loans. luogo dove stanno i libri delle gabelle e delle prestanze
o0202001.249vg 1435/6 marzo 6 Authority to the master builder to have a platform made for hardware and ropes. Tedaldi, case e casolare - muro in mezzo
o0202001.064a 1427 agosto 5 Authority to two wardens for repairs to the houses of the canons and of the chaplains. case dei canonici e dei cappellani - acconcimi
o0202001.027vd 1426 aprile 21 Authority to wardens for the work at Lastra and Malmantile; sentence and fine of defaulting master; acquittal and new contract for the work. Lastra, castello - mura e porte
o0202001.027vd 1426 aprile 21 Authority to wardens for the work at Lastra and Malmantile; sentence and fine of defaulting master; acquittal and new contract for the work. Malmantile, castello - mura e porte
o0202001.128vm 1430 giugno 22 Authorization to affix a painting of the Saints Cosmas and Damian on one of the piers between the pulpit and the portal towards San Giovanni. chiesa, pilastro verso il pergamo - apposizione di tavola dei Santi Cosma e Damiano
o0201075.029e 1419 maggio 29 Authorization to contract out at set price plastering and painting of the exterior wall of the great hall of the Pope's residence. abituro del Papa, sala grande, muro esterno sopra chiostro - allogagione intonacatura e pittura
o0201076.003vc 1419 luglio 5 Authorization to contract out sandstone blocks for the cornice under the vault of the smaller tribune and gutter spouts for the same vault. tribuna minore, volta - cornice e docce
o0204004.029vc 1433 novembre 23 Authorization to fit with canvas the window where Donatello works and allocation of funds for its cost. finestra - aggiustatura e impannatura
o0204004.015d 1432 dicembre 9 Authorization to make a lavabo and a marble cupboard in the sacristy with marble of the Opera. sacrestia - lavatoio e armadio di marmo
o0202001.073d 1427 dicembre 9 Authorization to register in the book of work days those workers who were employed in the houses of canons and chaplains. case dei canonici e dei cappellani - acconcimi
o0201075.022d 1419 aprile 26 Authorization to sell old logs and boards coming from Santa Maria Novella. - vendita legni e piane di disfacimento
o0201075.020a 1419 aprile 22 Authorization to sell timbers and boards from the demolition of a ceiling in Santa Maria Novella. - vendita legni e piane di disfacimento
o0202001.226d 1434/5 gennaio 11 Authorization to set the recompense for transport of the jambs and door of the corridor of the cupola. cupola grande, andito - porta e stipiti
o0201085.008b 1424 dicembre 20 Authorization to the administrator to withhold from the salary of the masters of Lastra and Malmantile a certain sum for having measured the work and reviewed the accounts. Lastra, castello - sopralluogo di maestri di Lastra e Malmantile
o0201085.008b 1424 dicembre 20 Authorization to the administrator to withhold from the salary of the masters of Lastra and Malmantile a certain sum for having measured the work and reviewed the accounts. Lastra, castello, mura e porte - ritenuta su salario maestri
o0201085.008b 1424 dicembre 20 Authorization to the administrator to withhold from the salary of the masters of Lastra and Malmantile a certain sum for having measured the work and reviewed the accounts. Malmantile, castello, mura e porte - ritenuta su salario maestri
o0201082.015a 1423 aprile 28 Authorization to the master builder for repairs to house of canon. casa di Matteo di Giovanni Bucelli, messer, canonico - acconcimi a tetto e camera
o0204011.024vh 1425 maggio 16 Authorization to the master builder to have the workers make marble corbels for the corridor of the tribune. tribune minori, anditi - beccatelli e volticciole
o0202001.124vh 1430 marzo 30 Authorization to the paver of the street between the bell tower and the Tinucci house to keep all the stones removed from the site for himself. via tra campanile e casa Tinucci - lastrico
o0204013.093g 1434/5 marzo 22 Balance of payment for paintings made in the priests' cloister and in the Pope's residence. abitazione del Papa, porta in via della Scala - pittura di due agnus Dei e un giglio
o0204008.058b 1419 ottobre 24 Balance of payment for supply of corbels for the third tribune. terza tribunetta - imposte di beccatelli con cimase e cornici
o0204013.130vn 1436 giugno 28 Balance of payment for the purchase of keys and locks. sacrestia nuova, armadi - chiavi e toppe
o0204013.143m 1436 dicembre 19 Balance of payment to goldsmith for silver wares and other work for the sacristy. sacrestia, argenti - fattura e restauro
o0204012.087f 1428 agosto 31 Balance of payment to locksmith for work at the castle of Lastra. Lastra, castello, porta - chiave e ponticello
o0204004.020ug 1433 aprile 21 Base and surface plastering of the vaults of the nave and covering of holes of the church. navata di mezzo - intonacatura e arricciatura volte
o0201070.001e 1416 dicembre 30 Choice of the place to keep the books of the gabelles and of the forced loans. luogo dove stanno i libri di gabelle e prestanze
o0204004.015c 1432 dicembre 9 Choice of the shed of the Alessandri and formerly of the Tedaldi as headquarters of the workforce and officials and authorization to make the wardens' audience hall and the administrator's and notary's office there. Tedaldi o Alessandri, casolare - sede Opera e udienza
o0201083.003d 1423 luglio 14 Commission to contract out finials and cornices of red marble for the cupola of the chapels. cappelle - allogagione di cimase e cornici
o0202001.213va 1434 aprile 13 Commission to Filippo di ser Brunellesco and the master builder to construct and restore houses. chiostro del capitolo, case - costruzione e restauro
o0202001.247f 1435/36 gennaio 24 Commission to four wardens to oversee the fortifications of Vicopisano and Pisa. Vicopisano, castello, fortezza - scelta luogo e ordine
o0202001.179e 1434 giugno 17 Commission to return some pawns. Tedaldi, casolare e orto
o0202001.169vb 1432 settembre 10 Commission to the master builder for the upkeep of the houses in the cloister and of those rented out. case del chiostro e appigionate - acconcimi
o0202001.106h 1429 maggio 6 Commission to warden, master builder and administrator for onsite inspection of the castle of Malmantile. Malmantile, castello, muri - misurazione e riduzione
o0201074.006va 1418 agosto 9 Confirmation of the rulings for the usufruct of a garden and shed with quantification of the sum to be spent for building a wall there and with agreements for the eventual release of that property. Alessandri, orto e casolare - sede di lavoro per scalpellatori
o0202001.099b 1428/9 gennaio 11 Construction of wall closing off access to the canons' cloister and repairs to the adjoining house. case dei canonici e dei cappellani - chiusura via accesso
o0204004.035o 1434 aprile 12 Construction, restoration and rental of houses. case - costruzione e acconcimi
o0201079.056c 1421 settembre 11 Contract for hewn revetment stones. cava di Monte Oliveto - sgombro di detriti e acqua
o0201076.022a 1419 ottobre 24 Contract of the first and second glass oculus of the facade of the Duomo to the contractor for the execution of the third and fouth. facciata sinistra all'ingresso - primo e secondo occhio di vetro
o0202001.090c 1428 agosto 20 Declaration of status of legitimate debtor in favor of person arrested for theft of roof tiles from the houses destroyed near San Simone. case distrutte presso San Simone e Stinche
o0204011.028c 1425 settembre 25 Destruction and reconstruction of a corner of a tower at the castle of Malmantile. Malmantile, castello, torre, canto - distruzione e ricostruzione
o0202001.005ve 1425 agosto 7 Destruction of the merlons of the walls of the castle of Lastra and their reconstruction at the expense of the masters. Lastra, castello, mura, merli - distruzione e ricostruzione
o0202001.028a 1426 aprile 21 Fines of the masters of Lastra if they do not complete the work on the castle; election of masters for work on the castle of Malmantile. Malmantile, castello - mura e fossato
o0202001.241vd 1435 settembre 21 Hiring of bell-ringer with salary set for the upkeep of the area around the bell tower. campanile - pulizia e manutenzione dell'area circostante
o0201086.014b 1425 aprile 26 Letter to the Podestà of Gangalandi with prohibition to demand payment from the workers employed at the castles of Lastra and Malmantile and summons for the petitioner of the measure. Lastra, castello, mura e porte
o0201086.014b 1425 aprile 26 Letter to the Podestà of Gangalandi with prohibition to demand payment from the workers employed at the castles of Lastra and Malmantile and summons for the petitioner of the measure. Malmantile, castello, mura e porte
o0204011.024b 1425 aprile 26 Letter to the Podestà of Gangalandi with prohibition to demand payment to the workers employed in the castles of Lastra and Malmantile and summons for the petitioner of the measure. Lastra, castello, mura e porte
o0204011.024b 1425 aprile 26 Letter to the Podestà of Gangalandi with prohibition to demand payment to the workers employed in the castles of Lastra and Malmantile and summons for the petitioner of the measure. Malmantile, castello, mura e porte
o0202001.255g 1436 giugno 22 Letter to the rectors of the Vicariates of Lari and Vicopisano requesting their help in the construction of the fortress of Vico. Vicopisano, castello, fortezza - aiuto dai rettori di Lari e Vico
o0202001.128e 1430 giugno 16 Letters to the count of Poppi and the Podestà of Dicomano and Corniolo instructing them to punish those responsible for damages to the forest of the Opera and prohibit the entrance of outsiders; open letter for the guard of the forest with notification to the rectors of the countryside to assist him in his appointment. dell'Opera - danni e divieto d'ingresso agli estranei
o0204004.021vzg 1433 maggio 22 Loan of money to restore a wall. Tedaldi, casolare e orto - acconcimi al muro
o0202001.198vf 1433 giugno 9 Loan of money to restore wall of the shed of the Tedaldi. Tedaldi, muro tra casa e casolare dell'Opera - restauro
o0202001.082va 1428 maggio 5 Notification to the Alessandri heirs of the forthcoming restitution of the shed and garden held in loan against security, in accordance with the ten-year agreements signed with their father. casolare e orto degli Alessandri
o0201076.051a 1419 settembre 13 Oath of warden and payment to a carpenter for work at Santa Maria Novella. sala del concistoro - monaci e mensole per cavalletti
o0201076.051a 1419 settembre 13 Oath of warden and payment to a carpenter for work at Santa Maria Novella. camera del paramento - finestre e uscio
o0204004.034m 1433/4 marzo 17 Order for the manufacture of an iron brake for the chains and two small arches over the vault. sopra la volta - archetti e rimozione armatura arco
o0202001.145a 1431 giugno 28 Order of payment to the Alessandri for the garden and shed. orto e casolare in via delle Fondamenta
o0202001.136e 1430/1 gennaio 26 Order to affix chains for the fortification of the church. navate, corpo della chiesa vecchia - riparazione e fortificazione
o0202001.136vb 1430/1 gennaio 26 Order to build the altar of Saint Zenobius and commission for a model of it. cappella di San Zanobi - sepoltura e altare
o0202001.196vb 1433 aprile 3 Order to demolish the wall of boards between the old and the new church. arco grande di mezzo tra chiesa vecchia e nuova - demolizione assito
o0201076.023e 1419 ottobre 24 Order to do work in the houses of the canons and chaplains. case dei canonici e dei cappellani - tetti
o0201076.023e 1419 ottobre 24 Order to do work in the houses of the canons and chaplains. case dei canonici e dei cappellani - acquai
o0201076.023e 1419 ottobre 24 Order to do work in the houses of the canons and chaplains. case dei canonici e dei cappellani - necessari
o0202001.170vb 1425/6 febbraio 4 Order to follow in the continuation of the work on the cupola the report prepared by four experts on commission of all the responsible officials, whose text is quoted in full and approved, while reserving full authority to the wardens and cupola officials. cupola grande, andito verso l'occhio - rimurato e da smurare al bisogno
o0202001.170vb 1425/6 febbraio 4 Order to follow in the continuation of the work on the cupola the report prepared by four experts on commission of all the responsible officials, whose text is quoted in full and approved, while reserving full authority to the wardens and cupola officials. cupola grande - muratura prosegue senza centine e armatura
o0202001.180va 1435/6 gennaio 20 Order to have iron and wood chains placed in the church according to the order of the master builder. - catene di ferro e di legname
o0202001.192vd 1432 dicembre 9 Order to have the new headquarters for the officials of the Opera and covered areas for the stonecutters and lumber made in the garden and shed of the Tedaldi. Tedaldi, casolare e orto - residenza ufficiali
o0202001.192vd 1432 dicembre 9 Order to have the new headquarters for the officials of the Opera and covered areas for the stonecutters and lumber made in the garden and shed of the Tedaldi. Tedaldi, casolare e orto - tetto scalpellatori
o0202001.192vd 1432 dicembre 9 Order to have the new headquarters for the officials of the Opera and covered areas for the stonecutters and lumber made in the garden and shed of the Tedaldi. Tedaldi, casolare e orto - tetto per deposito legname
o0202001.068vg 1427 ottobre 7 Order to mount iron rings and hooks on the merlons of the castle of Malmantile as already in that of Lastra. Malmantile, castello, merli - anelli e arpioni
o0202001.207vc 1433 novembre 23 Order to prepare a window covered with cloth in the chapel where work is being done on an organ loft. cappella dove lavora Donatello, finestra - aggiustatura e impannatura
o0202001.069m 1427 ottobre 16 Order to purchase hooks and rings for the merlons of Malmantile at the lowest possible price. Malmantile, castello, merli - arpioni e anelli
o0202001.239vi 1435 agosto 23 Order to raze the walls existing between the old and new church and to work in the garden of the shed as requested by the six officials appointed over the choir. chiesa - abbattimento muro tra chiesa nuova e vecchia
o0201075.026d 1419 maggio 10 Order to remove tools and dressed stones from the blind windows in the great hall of the Pope's residence and their recovery. abituro del Papa, sala grande su orto, finestre accecate - recupero pietre e ferri
o0202001.152vh 1431/2 gennaio 8 Order to the master builder to demolish the bridge between the church and the bell tower. duomo - ponte tra chiesa e campanile
o0202001.235vb 1435 giugno 9 Order to the master builder to wall up a window and door existing between his house and the Opera. casa confinante con l'Opera - muratura di finestra e porta
o0202001.037g 1426 luglio 24 Partition of work because of litigation between masters at the castle of Malmantile. Malmantile, castello, torre verso San Casciano - muro e torri verso Firenze
o0201085.046b 1424 dicembre 14 Payment for building of the walls of the castle of Lastra. Lastra, castello - costruzione di mura e porte
o0201085.046c 1424 dicembre 14 Payment for building of the walls of the castle of Lastra. Lastra, castello - costruzione di mura e porte
o0201077.059b 1419/20 febbraio 29 Payment for building work at the Pope's residence. abitazione del Papa, cortile, muro - innalzamento e arricciatura
o0204013.129h 1436 maggio 30 Payment for carriage of a rope and hardware from Florence to Vicopisano. Vicopisano - canapo e ferramenta
o0204013.030a 1432 aprile 5 Payment for iron to reinforce the stained-glass window of Saint Zenobius. (cappella di) San Zanobi, finestra - chiavarde e stanghette
o0204013.119vl 1435/6 febbraio 27 Payment for lumber and work for a model of the high altar and of the choir. altare maggiore e coro - modello
o0204008.050ve 1419 luglio 19 Payment for manufacture of a table and a pair of trestles for the purveyor of the Pope. abituro del Papa - tavola e trespoli
o0201076.049ve 1419 luglio 19 Payment for manufacture of benches with backrests and predellas for the concistory hall of the Pope. sala del concistoro - panche con spalliere e predelle
o0201075.052va 1419 giugno 22 Payment for manufacture of bridges and roof struts for the concistory of the Pope. concistoro, sala del concistoro, tetto grande - valichi e cavalletti
o0204008.055b 1419 settembre 13 Payment for manufacture of frame and for cloth covering for a window in Santa Maria Novella. abituro del Papa, dormitorio presso camera, finestra grande - telaio e impannatura
o0201076.052e 1419 settembre 13 Payment for manufacture of frame and for cloth covering of a window in the dormitory close to the Pope's chamber. dormitorio presso camera del Papa, finestra - telaio e impannatura
o0204013.097o 1435 aprile 29 Payment for painting done in Santa Maria Novella. cortile - arme e pittura
o0204013.097o 1435 aprile 29 Payment for painting done in Santa Maria Novella. corte del Papa, scala - arme e pittura
o0201075.046va 1418/9 marzo 17 Payment for paintings of arms and other paintings for Santa Maria Novella. camera del Papa, parete sopra il letto del Papa - pittura arme Papa e civiche
o0204012.129d 1430 marzo 30 Payment for paving and excavation of the street towards the Bischeri and the square of the Pallottole. via verso i Bischeri sulla piazza delle Pallotole - sterro e lastrico
o0204008.024va 1418 giugno 30 Payment for petty expenses for the feast of Saint John. vie intorno alla chiesa e all'Opera - pulizia
o0204008.020a 1418 aprile 30 Payment for petty expenses. udienza - chiave e cassoni
o0204008.026va 1418 luglio 1 Payment for petty expenses. cappella dell'Annunziata - colla e colori
o0204012.121va 1429/30 febbraio 21 Payment for petty expenses. chiostro dei preti, porta - aggiustatura di toppa e chiave
o0204013.002vb 1430 ottobre 5 Payment for petty expenses. cupola maggiore - orologio di mezza ora e tavola ingessata
o0204013.066va 1433 dicembre 11 Payment for petty expenses. cupola, andito - toppa e chiave
o0204013.113c 1436 giugno 13 Payment for petty expenses. casa di Bonanno, uscio - toppa e chiave
o0204013.132va 1436 luglio 4 Payment for petty expenses. cupola, lanterna, disegno - palle e croci di ottone
o0204013.132va 1436 luglio 4 Payment for petty expenses. sacrestia - argento e perle
o0204013.133ve 1436 luglio 27 Payment for petty expenses. visita degli operai alle case dei canonici e preti
o0201081.072e 1422 settembre 22 Payment for remaking and mending of the organs. - rifacimento e aggiustatura degli organi
o0201085.045vg 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for supply of mortar for the walls and doors of the castle of Lastra. Lastra, castello - mura e porte
o0204013.086vd 1434 dicembre 31 Payment for the painting of the lily and Lambs of God over the doors of the priests' cloister and that of the Pope. chiostro dei preti, porta - pittura di giglio e agnus Dei
o0204013.086vd 1434 dicembre 31 Payment for the painting of the lily and Lambs of God over the doors of the priests' cloister and that of the Pope. porta del Papa in via della Scala - pittura di giglio e di agnus Dei
o0201076.053vb 1419 agosto 31 Payment for the purchase of a chain and an iron pole for the third tribune. terza tribunetta - apposizione di catene e palo di ferro
o0204013.089vf 1434/5 gennaio 31 Payment for the purchase of bases and capitals for the columns of the roof of the cardinals in Santa Maria Novella. tetto dei cardinali - base e capitelli per colonne
o0204008.044vd 1419 giugno 21 Payment for the purchase of dressed stones for the Pope's residence. abituro del Papa - usci e finestre
o0204013.120h 1435/6 marzo 1 Payment for the purchase of keys and locks for the sacristy and house in the garden. sacrestia - chiavi e toppe
o0204013.143vg 1436 dicembre 27 Payment for the purchase of locks and keys for the chapels. cappelle - toppe e chiavi
o0204008.111vi 1421 giugno 5 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles and chimney pots for the Pope's residence, whose cost for error was not authorized. abituro del Papa - legname e ferramenti tolti
o0204008.029vd 1418 ottobre 24 Payment for the purchase of soft stones. cava dell'Opera di Salvi e Nannino di monna Nora
o0201074.043c 1418 novembre 15 Payment for the purchase of soft stones. cava dell'Opera di Salvi di Giovanni e Nannino di monna Nora
o0201074.043va 1418 novembre 15 Payment for the purchase of soft stones. cava dell'Opera di Salvi di Giovanni e Nannino di monna Nora
o0201074.043vc 1418 novembre 15 Payment for the purchase of soft stones. cava dell'Opera di Salvi di Giovanni e Nannino di monna Nora
o0204008.032vb 1418 novembre 15 Payment for the purchase of soft stones. cava dell'Opera di Salvi di Giovanni e Nannino di monna Nora
o0204008.032vd 1418 novembre 15 Payment for the purchase of soft stones. cava dell'Opera di Salvi di Giovanni e Nannino di monna Nora
o0204009.033b 1422 agosto 7 Payment for transport of large sandstone blocks and of sandstone gutter spouts for the cupola. cupola grande - macigni grandi e docce
o0201074.040a 1418 ottobre 24 Payment for transport of soft stones. cava dell'Opera di Salvi e Nannino
o0201074.040e 1418 ottobre 24 Payment for transport of soft stones. cava dell'Opera di Salvi e Nannino
o0204008.029va 1418 ottobre 24 Payment for transport of soft stones. cava dell'Opera di Salvi di Giovanni e Nannino di monna Nora
o0204008.029vc 1418 ottobre 24 Payment for transport of soft stones. cava dell'Opera di Salvi e Nannino
o0204008.029vg 1418 ottobre 24 Payment for transport of soft stones. cava dell'Opera di Salvi e Nannino
o0201074.042ve 1418 novembre 15 Payment for transport of soft stones. cava dell'Opera di Salvi di Giovanni e Nannino di monna Nora
o0201074.043d 1418 novembre 15 Payment for transport of soft stones. cava dell'Opera di Salvi di Giovanni e Nannino di monna Nora
o0204008.032va 1418 novembre 15 Payment for transport of soft stones. cava dell'Opera di Salvi di Giovanni e Nannino di monna Nora
o0204008.032vc 1418 novembre 15 Payment for transport of soft stones. cava dell'Opera di Salvi di Giovanni e Nannino di monna Nora
o0204008.061vi 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for two wooden doors for the Pope's residence. abituro del Papa, camera del paramento - uscio e spranga
o0204008.061vi 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for two wooden doors for the Pope's residence. abituro del Papa, verone - uscio e spranga
o0204008.088a 1420 settembre 4 Payment for various expenditures. sacrestia - desco per paramenti e libri
o0201077.067vc 1420 maggio 18 Payment for various purchases of lumber and expenditures for Santa Maria Novella. abitazione del Papa, sala del concistoro, cavalletto - monaci e mensole
o0201075.049va 1419 maggio 6 Payment for vaults constructed in the Pope's residence. abituro del Papa, sala grande, volte - armatura e fattura
o0204008.033b 1418 novembre 15 Payment for work on a wall. Tedaldi e Alessandri, casolare ed orto
o0204008.047b 1419 giugno 22 Payment for work on the roof of the Pope's residence. abituro del Papa, camera del paramento - tetto selvatico senza cavalletti e coperta
o0204008.050vd 1419 luglio 19 Payment to a carpenter for manufacture of benches with backrests and predellas for the concistory hall of the Pope. abituro del Papa, sala del concistoro - panche con spalliere e predelle
o0204008.050vc 1419 luglio 19 Payment to a carpenter for roof struts and for elm for king posts and brackets in the Pope's residence. abituro del Papa, camera del paramento, tetto - monaci e mensole per cavalletti
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