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A1-150  A151-300  301-450 A451-600  A601-750  A751-832 





Context of query
o0202001.137ve 1430/1 febbraio 24 Price fixed for the coffer of the relics of the saints of Vada. vetri per il forzierino
o0202001.137vi 1430/1 febbraio 27 Authority to Brunelleschi to contract out the iron for the chains. ferro per catene
o0202001.139b 1430/1 marzo 14 Authorization to prepare three tomb slabs for the altar of Saint Zenobius. lapidi - lavorate per altare di San Zanobi
o0202001.140a 1431 marzo 27 Removal of the earth between the church and the chapter, reconstruction of the tombs destroyed there, completion of the paving of the door of the chapter and construction of a sewer. selce per la porta del capitolo
o0202001.140d 1431 aprile 13 Order to clear out the lumber of the Sapienza from the roads of the forest and to prepare the lumber cut for the Sea Consuls. legname per i consoli del Mare - preparazione
o0202001.140d 1431 aprile 13 Order to clear out the lumber of the Sapienza from the roads of the forest and to prepare the lumber cut for the Sea Consuls. legname per la Sapienza - trasporto
o0202001.140vg 1431 aprile 26 Letter to the guard of the forest about the lumber for the Sea Consuls. legname per i consoli del Mare - preparazione
o0202001.145d 1431 luglio 4 Letter for proclamation for bids to supply and saw lumber. legname tagliato - bando per condotta e segatura
o0202001.145vc 1431 luglio 11 Execution of governmental provision for the supply of lumber to the friars of San Francesco dell'Osservanza. legname - donazione per ordine del Comune
o0202001.146vc 1431 luglio 13 Authorization to pay the daily wages of the masters who helped the friars of San Francesco with donated lumber. legname - donazione per ordine del Comune
o0202001.147b 1431 agosto 16 Authorization to sell two pieces of marble. marmo bianco - prezzo per spianatura
o0202001.147f 1431 agosto 16 Authority to make a new contract for lumber. legname - balia per allogare
o0202001.147va 1431 agosto 16 Letter to the constable of Rencine to escort the suppliers of sand for the castle of Castellina. rena - scorta per la fornitura a Castellina
o0202001.151vb 1431 novembre 28 Authorization to private person to cut fir trees in the forest of the Opera. abeti per stanghe
o0202001.151vh 1431 dicembre 12 Authorization to buy a vein of iron for the reinforcement chains of the church. ferro per catene
o0202001.151vh 1431 dicembre 12 Authorization to buy a vein of iron for the reinforcement chains of the church. ferro, vena per catene
o0202001.151vi 1431 dicembre 12 Letter to the rectors of the countryside in order that they favor the search for lumber lost in a flood. legname perduto per alluvione - ricerca
o0202001.152e 1431 dicembre 27 Authority to restore a tribune, plastering the cracks present. stucco - per otturare peli di muratura
o0202001.153vh 1431/2 febbraio 4 Dispatch of a blacksmith to inspect the iron of the chains being made. ferro per catene - ispezione nella bottega del fabbro
o0202001.155va 1431/2 marzo 3 Authority to a warden to buy bronze from the Wool Guild to make the casket of Saint Zenobius. bronzo o metallo per la cassa di San Zanobi
o0202001.158va 1432 aprile 24 Authorization to sell a slab. lapide per sepoltura
o0202001.158va 1432 aprile 24 Authorization to sell a slab. lapide per sepoltura - prezzo stabilito
o0202001.160e 1432 maggio 7 Prohibition to convey bricks found unsuitable for the cupola. mattoni non idonei per la cupola - divieto di condurre
o0202001.161va 1432 maggio 30 Letter to the Podestà of Pontassieve to force a lumber supplier to clear the road of the forest. legname - tagliato per i consoli del Mare
o0202001.162h 1432 giugno 17 Order to return iron supplied for the chains which has been found to be defective. ferro per catene - restituzione perché difettoso
o0202001.166ve 1432 luglio 30 Authorization to the administrator to lend a saw. marmo, sega di ferro per
o0202001.168f 1432 agosto 23 Authorization to contract out sand for mortar. rena per calcina
o0202001.170c 1425/6 gennaio 24 Authority to consuls and wardens to build a stable for a canon. legname vecchio - utilizzato per stalla
o0202001.170vb 1425/6 febbraio 4 Order to follow in the continuation of the work on the cupola the report prepared by four experts on commission of all the responsible officials, whose text is quoted in full and approved, while reserving full authority to the wardens and cupola officials. assi per parapetto
o0202001.170vb 1425/6 febbraio 4 Order to follow in the continuation of the work on the cupola the report prepared by four experts on commission of all the responsible officials, whose text is quoted in full and approved, while reserving full authority to the wardens and cupola officials. ferro per catena
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. piombo - per copertura delle tribune
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. - per copertura delle tribune
o0202001.187vf 1432 ottobre 1 Term of payment for lumber. legname per la Sapienza
o0202001.187vh 1432 ottobre 1 Permission to a private person to have stones worked on in order to make a sink. macigno, pietre - lavorazione per privato
o0202001.189h 1432 ottobre 29 Order to have small arches of marble prepared for the external ribs of the cupola. marmo bianco, archetti per le creste
o0202001.191g 1432 novembre 29 Order to the master builder to give half of a stone slab for the organ loft. marmo per tavole pergamo
o0202001.192vd 1432 dicembre 9 Order to have the new headquarters for the officials of the Opera and covered areas for the stonecutters and lumber made in the garden and shed of the Tedaldi. legname - tetto per deposito
o0202001.195d 1432/3 gennaio 23 Authorization to remove lumber from the forest at differentiated prices. legname - prezzo differenziato per luogo e trasporto
o0202001.195va 1432/3 febbraio 6 Order to have sandstone treads made for the steps of the chapels of the great cupola. macigno, scaglioni per gradini
o0202001.196l 1433 marzo 27 Authorization to contract out sawing of stone blocks for the closing of the great cupola with set price. marmo bianco, lapidi da sepoltura - allogagione per segare
o0202001.196l 1433 marzo 27 Authorization to contract out sawing of stone blocks for the closing of the great cupola with set price. marmo bianco, lapidi - fornite ritte per segare
o0202001.196l 1433 marzo 27 Authorization to contract out sawing of stone blocks for the closing of the great cupola with set price. rena - fornita per segare marmo
o0202001.198va 1433 maggio 19 Election of solicitors for the oculus over the tribune of Saint Zenobius and payment for purchase of glass and other things. vetro per occhio
o0202001.200vc 1433 giugno 15 Assignment of house to a chaplain and reimbursement of expenditures for to Lucca for marble. marmo - lettera per transito in territorio lucchese
o0202001.201g 1433 giugno 25 Authorization to reduce the oculus of the lantern. lapidi per chiusura della lanterna - misura
o0202001.202vi 1433 luglio 13 Allocation of funds for supply of lumber with deadline for the consignment. legname - termine per trasporto
o0202001.203f 1433 luglio 13 Approval of guarantors. marmo - fideiussione per conduttori
o0202001.204vc 1433 agosto 13 Authority to a warden to lease the Trassinaia quarry. macigno, lapidi per la cupola, 128
o0202001.204vc 1433 agosto 13 Authority to a warden to lease the Trassinaia quarry. marmo, colonnette vecchie - compenso per affitto cava
o0202001.204vi 1433 settembre 1 Letter to a stonecutter to solicit his return and his successive trip to the forest. olmi per catene
o0202001.205e 1433 settembre 16 Order to procure the transport of elms for the chains of church and the payment of the suppliers. olmi per fortificare la chiesa
o0202001.205vc 1433 settembre 28 Authorization to select masters from among those at Trassinaia for the stones of the oculi of the church. macigno, pietre - lavorate per occhi
o0202001.207vc 1433 novembre 23 Order to prepare a window covered with cloth in the chapel where work is being done on an organ loft. panno lino per finestra
o0202001.213h 1434 aprile 10 Exchange of the bell from the Verrucola with the baptismal parish of Campoli. metallo - permuta per una campana
o0202001.215ve 1434 aprile 26 Commission to sell marble for capitals. marmo per capitelli
o0202001.216e 1434 maggio 11 Commission for a trip to Pisa and Avenza for questions concerning marble. marmo, angoli per la cupola
o0202001.217e 1434 maggio 28 Authorization to sell red marble. marmo rosso per una lapide consacrata
o0202001.219d 1434 luglio 27 Commission for models for a head of clay to be placed upon the closing of the cupola. terra, modello di testa per chiusura cupola
o0202001.225vc 1434 dicembre 17 Order for a trip to Lucca to obtain the permit to remove marble from Carrara. marmo - licenza per estrazione
o0202001.227a 1434/5 febbraio 7 Permission to the masters to work alternate weeks until there are enough stones and other materials for everyone. pietre - carenti per tutti i maestri
o0202001.227vd 1434/5 febbraio 22 Purchase of two marble slabs for organ loft refused because not in conformity with the requested measurement. marmo, lapidi - non a misura per pergamo
o0202001.227ve 1434/5 febbraio 22 Transport from Trassinaia of a stone slab to be used for casting the pipes of the organs, after which it is to be returned to the owner of the quarry. lastrone grande - utilizzo per organi
o0202001.227vi 1434/5 marzo 2 Payment to carpenter for various work executed at the Pope's residence. panno lino per impannare
o0202001.228vh 1434/5 marzo 18 Contract for kiln load using small brick form at set price for paving. calcina - prezzo stabilito per cotta per modano da ammattonato
o0202001.228vh 1434/5 marzo 18 Contract for kiln load using small brick form at set price for paving. calcina - prezzo stabilito per cotta per modano da ammattonato
o0202001.230e 1435 aprile 11 Order to utilize for the base of the lantern a stone slab previously supplied for organ loft. pietra per pergamo - riutilizzata per cupola
o0202001.230e 1435 aprile 11 Order to utilize for the base of the lantern a stone slab previously supplied for organ loft. pietra per pergamo - riutilizzata per cupola
o0202001.230l 1435 aprile 22 Acceptance of pieces of marble that had been refused for their color and hiring of the supplier as stonecutter. marmo bianco - respinto per colore impuro
o0202001.232vb 1435 aprile 29 Payment for the purchase of marble for organ loft at increased price. marmo per pergamo
o0202001.233vf 1435 maggio 10 Injunction to put the crown of marble on the figure of David on the front facade of the Duomo. marmo, corona per figura di David
o0202001.239f 1435 agosto 12 Letter to (worker) to have seven logs purchased for the Sapienza transported from the forest. legni - tagliati per la Sapienza
o0202001.243vc 1435 novembre 15 Commission for a marble slab for the high altar of the Duomo. marmo bianco, lapide per altare
o0202001.246g 1435 dicembre 30 Prohibition to demand payment from suppliers for failure to consign marble because of the Lucca war. marmo - perduto per guerra
o0202001.247f 1435/36 gennaio 24 Commission to four wardens to oversee the fortifications of Vicopisano and Pisa. calcina per Vico - allogagione
o0202001.247f 1435/36 gennaio 24 Commission to four wardens to oversee the fortifications of Vicopisano and Pisa. mattoni per Vico - allogagione
o0202001.253b 1436 aprile 30 Authority to the master builder to contract out lumber. legname - balia per allogagione
o0202001.254vi 1436 giugno 15 Consignment of wine to the new hospital of Pisa on the condition that it pay the testamentary legacies owed to the Opera. vino per l'ospedale nuovo di Pisa
o0204004.002e 1432 giugno 13 Letter to force the ox drivers to take lumber to the port, and to transmit a warrant to appear. legname - ordine per trasporto
o0204004.005vb 1432 luglio 11 Extension of term for the consignment of a supply and payment to a (kilnman) for firewood and molding. legna per la fornace
o0204004.006ue 1432 luglio 30 Loan of a saw for marble to the friars of Santa Croce. marmo, sega di ferro per
o0204004.007vi 1432 agosto 23 Contract for a supply of sand for mortar. rena per calcina - allogagione
o0204004.008vd 1432 agosto 27 Price fixed for supply of sand for mortar. rena per calcina - prezzo stabilito
o0204004.009ul 1432 settembre 5 Loan of lumber to the Misericordia. legname per fare ponti per dipingere - prestito
o0204004.009ul 1432 settembre 5 Loan of lumber to the Misericordia. legname per fare ponti per dipingere - prestito
o0204004.009un 1432 settembre 5 Letter to the guard of the forest to inquire into the amount of lumber cut for the Sapienza. legname - tagliato per la Sapienza
o0204004.011vn 1432 ottobre 11 Authorization to the administrator to allocate a sum to have mortar brought from the kilns. calcina - sacchi da guado per trasporto
o0204004.011vo 1432 ottobre 11 Payment to a (kilnman) for molding and firewood. legna per fornace
o0204004.013b 1432 ottobre 29 Authorization to utilize small arches of marble to make the external ribs of the cupola. marmo, archetti per le creste
o0204004.014m 1432 novembre 29 Contract for lintels for the cupola. cardinaletti per la cupola, 24 - allogagione
o0204004.014n 1432 novembre 29 Authorization to the (officials) of Saint Zenobius to take a block to make the parapets of an organ loft. lapide per parapetti pergamo
o0204004.014o 1432 novembre 29 Authorization to the (master) of the organs to take a piece of marble on which to work lead. marmo, pezzuolo - per lavorazione piombo
o0204004.014o 1432 novembre 29 Authorization to the (master) of the organs to take a piece of marble on which to work lead. piombo per organi - lavorazione
o0204004.015d 1432 dicembre 9 Authorization to make a lavabo and a marble cupboard in the sacristy with marble of the Opera. marmo - licenza di utilizzo per arredi sacrestia
o0204004.017vn 1432/3 gennaio 23 Payment for purchase of glass for windows of the tribune of Saint Zenobius. vetri per finestre
o0204004.017vs 1432/3 febbraio 6 Order to the master builder to have steps made for the chapels. scaglioni per cappelle
o0204004.019s 1432/3 marzo 23 Authorization to have masters work at Trassinaia. lastroni per beccatelli
o0204004.019vd 1433 marzo 27 Contract for sawing of stones. lapidi - fornite ritte per segare
o0204004.019vd 1433 marzo 27 Contract for sawing of stones. rena - fornita per segare
o0204004.020q 1433 aprile 18 Payment to a kilnman for purchasing firewood for the kiln. - legna per fornace
o0204004.020uh 1433 aprile 21 Covering with cloth of the oculi opposite the nave and lowering of wall. legname - segato per impannare occhi
o0204004.020vi 1433 maggio 6 Payment to a (kilnman) for purchasing firewood. legna per fornace
o0204004.021i 1433 maggio 19 Purchase of glass for the middle oculus of the cupola. vetri per occhio
o0204004.022c 1433 maggio 28 Payment to a (kilnman) for molding and firewood. legna per cotta
o0204004.022d 1433 maggio 28 Authorization to have stones made for the brick pavement of the new church. pietre per ammattonati
o0204004.022e 1433 maggio 28 Acceptance of broken stone and apportionment of the damages. lapide - ripartizione danno per rottura
o0204004.026vf 1433 agosto 13 Payment to a (kilnman) for molding and firewood. legna per fornace
o0204004.029r 1433 novembre 19 Payment to a blacksmith for armature made for a stained-glass window. ferro, armatura per finestra
o0204004.029vc 1433 novembre 23 Authorization to fit with canvas the window where Donatello works and allocation of funds for its cost. panno per finestra
o0204004.030c 1433 dicembre 10 Payment to a (kilnman) to purchase wood for firing. legna per cotta
o0204004.030f 1433 dicembre 14 Order to a worker to prepare the marble for organ loft. marmo - lavorato per il pergamo di Donatello
o0204004.031us 1433 dicembre 30 Commission to two wardens to decide on the drawing of the oculus of glass. vetro per occhio
o0204004.036vb 1434 aprile 26 Authorization to sell marble for capitals. marmo per capitelli
o0204004.038r 1432 agosto 23 Payment for the purchase of material for the cloth hangings: fragmentary act. pezza (di stoffa) per drappelloni
o0204004.038t 1432 agosto 23 Payment for the purchase of material for surplices: fragmentary act. (stoffa) per camici
o0204004.039b 1433 marzo 26 Payment to the sacristan for two barrels of wine white for the mass. vino bianco per messa
o0204004.039d 1433 marzo 26 Payment for the purchase of two barrels of wine white for the mass. vino bianco per la messa
o0204008.005g 1417 giugno 3 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. rena per calcina
o0204008.006a 1417 giugno 4 Payment for petty expenses. sogattolo per fare corregge da trapano
o0204008.007i 1417 giugno 30 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. rena per calcina
o0204008.008vf 1417 luglio 9 Payment for a wooden model for the cupola. legname per un modello della cupola
o0204008.010a 1417/8 febbraio 17 Payment for petty expenses. sapone per carrucole
o0204008.013b 1417/8 febbraio 17 Payment for the purchase of pumice. pomice per pulire i marmi
o0204008.014vd 1417/8 febbraio 26 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. rena per calcina
o0204008.016a 1417/8 marzo 10 Payment for petty expenses. vino per i lavoranti
o0204008.022g 1418 giugno 14 Payment of a gabelle for towloads of lumber. legname - gabella per traini
o0204008.025va 1418 agosto 4 Payment for a model for the cupola. legname per il modello della cupola
o0204008.025va 1418 agosto 4 Payment for a model for the cupola. ferramenta per il modello della cupola
o0204008.026va 1418 luglio 1 Payment for petty expenses. penne per scrivere
o0204008.027vb 1418 agosto 31 Payment for a model of the cupola. legname per il modello della cupola
o0204008.029c 1418 ottobre 12 Payment for painting of a lamp in the chapel of the Virgin Annunciate and purchase of colors. colori per dipingere un lampadario
o0204008.030va 1418 ottobre 24 Payment for petty expenses. colori per dipingere una casa dell'Opera
o0204008.030va 1418 ottobre 24 Payment for petty expenses. cera pesata per una carrucolina
o0204008.030va 1418 ottobre 24 Payment for petty expenses. vetro per finestre
o0204008.031ve 1418 ottobre 26 Payment for the purchase of narrow bricks. quadrucci per rimurare le finestre, 200
o0204008.032d 1418 ottobre 26 Payment for work on the kiln of the Opera. terra per murare le bocche dei fornelli
o0204008.033d 1418 novembre 15 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. rena per calcina
o0204008.037a 1418 dicembre 21 Payment for a model of the main cupola. legname, modello per la cupola maggiore
o0204008.037b 1418 dicembre 21 Payment for a model of the cupola with purchase of lumber. legname - modello per la cupola
o0204008.037c 1418 dicembre 21 Payment for a model of the main cupola with purchase of lumber and iron. legname - modello per la cupola
o0204008.037c 1418 dicembre 21 Payment for a model of the main cupola with purchase of lumber and iron. ferramenti per modello per la cupola
o0204008.037c 1418 dicembre 21 Payment for a model of the main cupola with purchase of lumber and iron. ferramenti per modello per la cupola
o0204008.037d 1418 dicembre 21 Payment for a model of the cupola with purchase of lumber. legname - modello per la cupola
o0204008.037e 1418 dicembre 21 Payment for a model of the main cupola with purchase of lumber and iron. legname - modello per la cupola
o0204008.037e 1418 dicembre 21 Payment for a model of the main cupola with purchase of lumber and iron. ferramenti per modello per la cupola
o0204008.037e 1418 dicembre 21 Payment for a model of the main cupola with purchase of lumber and iron. ferramenti per modello per la cupola
o0204008.037f 1418 dicembre 21 Payment for a model of the cupola and for a hoist with purchase of material. legname - modello per la cupola maggiore
o0204008.037f 1418 dicembre 21 Payment for a model of the cupola and for a hoist with purchase of material. ferramenti per modello per la cupola maggiore
o0204008.037f 1418 dicembre 21 Payment for a model of the cupola and for a hoist with purchase of material. ferramenti per modello per la cupola maggiore
o0204008.037g 1418 dicembre 21 Payment for two models of the cupola, for material purchased and for transport. legname - modello per la cupola maggiore
o0204008.037g 1418 dicembre 21 Payment for two models of the cupola, for material purchased and for transport. ferramenti per modello per la cupola maggiore
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