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Context of query
o0801001.059va 1434 settembre 1 Account of the cashier of the officials of the public debt. Account of the cashier of the officials of the public debt.
o0801002.020vb 1435 luglio 27 Account of the treasurer of the public debt. Account of the treasurer of the public debt.
o0202001.228vg 1434/5 marzo 18 Authority to the administrator to grant loans from the amounts due to the Opera guaranteed by the public debt. Authority to the administrator to grant loans from the amounts due to the Opera guaranteed by the public debt.
o0202001.151vd 1431 novembre 28 Authorization for the collection of interest payments of the public debt. Authorization for the collection of interest payments of the public debt.
o0202001.086d 1428 giugno 15 Authorization to make public proclamation of the term for restitution of pawns, on penalty of the sale of the same. Authorization to make public proclamation of the term for restitution of pawns, on penalty of the sale of the same.
o0202001.225vd 1434 dicembre 17 Commission to sell certificates of public debt. Commission to sell certificates of public debt.
o0202001.250ve 1435/6 marzo 17 Commission to two wardens of transfer credits from the public debt to pay the salary of the new choir boys and their master. Commission to two wardens of transfer credits from the public debt to pay the salary of the new choir boys and their master.
o0202001.132f 1430 settembre 27 Constitution of procurator to collect credits of the public debt. Constitution of procurator to collect credits of the public debt.
o0202001.216vd 1434 maggio 14 Constitution of syndic to exact the interest payments of the public debt. Constitution of syndic to exact the interest payments of the public debt.
o0202001.072vi 1427 dicembre 4 Contract to Brunelleschi for trasnport of white marble in support of his invention of a new ship in the public interest. Contract to Brunelleschi for trasnport of white marble in support of his invention of a new ship in the public interest.
o0204004.002c 1432 giugno 6 Creation of a syndic to collect the interest payments of the public debt. Creation of a syndic to collect the interest payments of the public debt.
o0204004.023vs 1433 luglio 3 Election of a procurator to collect the interest payments of the public debt. Election of a procurator to collect the interest payments of the public debt.
o0204013.091va 1434/5 marzo 6 Grant of loan guaranteed by 100 florins of public debt. Grant of loan guaranteed by 100 florins of public debt.
o0204013.092ve 1434/5 marzo 18 Grant of loan with sum derived from the certificates of the denari 6 per lira tax, guaranteed by 1100 florins of the public debt of Pisa. Grant of loan with sum derived from the certificates of the denari 6 per lira tax, guaranteed by 1100 florins of the public debt of Pisa.
o0204013.096vf 1435 aprile 26 Grant of loan with sum derived from the pardons of the forced loans following guarantee of 200 florins of public debt and with term of restitution. Grant of loan with sum derived from the pardons of the forced loans following guarantee of 200 florins of public debt and with term of restitution.
o0201070b.058f 1417 maggio 5 Guaranty for unspecified debt guaranteed with the interest payments of the public debt. Guaranty for unspecified debt guaranteed with the interest payments of the public debt.
o0201086.002a 1424/5 gennaio 12 Letters to the vicars of the countryside for public proclamations regarding redemption of pawns with term for their sale. Letters to the vicars of the countryside for public proclamations regarding redemption of pawns with term for their sale.
o0202001.223vd 1434 novembre 5 Loan of certificates of interest payments of public debt. Loan of certificates of interest payments of public debt.
o0202001.099a 1428/9 gennaio 8 Order to close all the doors of the houses of the canons and chaplains on the public street, leaving only one open. Order to close all the doors of the houses of the canons and chaplains on the public street, leaving only one open.
o0202001.099vb 1428/9 gennaio 28 Order to open a new access to the house of a canon and to wall up the door existing on the public street. Order to open a new access to the house of a canon and to wall up the door existing on the public street.
o0202001.086f 1428 giugno 16 Order to public crier to report on proclamation. Order to public crier to report on proclamation.
o0201077.005b 1419/20 gennaio 5 Order to the public crier to make the content of a resolution public. Order to the public crier to make the content of a resolution public.
o0201077.005b 1419/20 gennaio 5 Order to the public crier to make the content of a resolution public. Order to the public crier to make the content of a resolution public.
o0204013.117a 1435/6 febbraio 1 Payment for mediation of 1866 florins of public debt purchased by the Opera. Payment for mediation of 1866 florins of public debt purchased by the Opera.
o0204013.109f 1435 novembre 4 Payment for the purchase of money of the public debt. Payment for the purchase of money of the public debt.
o0204013.109g 1435 novembre 4 Payment for the purchase of money of the public debt. Payment for the purchase of money of the public debt.
o0204013.109h 1435 novembre 4 Payment for the purchase of money of the public debt. Payment for the purchase of money of the public debt.
o0204013.063vu 1433 ottobre 18 Payment of gabelle for credits of public debt received for house sold. Payment of gabelle for credits of public debt received for house sold.
o0204013.064m 1433 ottobre 29 Payment of gabelle for credits of public debt received for house sold. Payment of gabelle for credits of public debt received for house sold.
o0204004.028vl 1433 ottobre 29 Payment of gabelle for credits of public debt. Payment of gabelle for credits of public debt.
o0204013.087vc 1434/5 gennaio 11 Payment to a servant of the public debt for work in recovering books of forced loans that were given to the accountant. Payment to a servant of the public debt for work in recovering books of forced loans that were given to the accountant.
o0204008.022e 1418 giugno 14 Payment to public criers of the Commune for 6 proclamations. Payment to public criers of the Commune for 6 proclamations.
o0204013.100c 1435 maggio 27 Payment to servant of the officials of the public debt for service rendered to the accountants of the Opera. Payment to servant of the officials of the public debt for service rendered to the accountants of the Opera.
o0201079.033vc 1421 ottobre 22 Payment to the servants of the officials of the public debt for rights on debtors for pardons of forced loans. Payment to the servants of the officials of the public debt for rights on debtors for pardons of forced loans.
o0204013.123f 1436 marzo 26 Payment to trumpeters, pipers and public criers to publicly proclaim the consecration of the Duomo. Payment to trumpeters, pipers and public criers to publicly proclaim the consecration of the Duomo.
o0202001.238va 1435 agosto 3 Prohibition to demand payment from the buyer from the Commune of a vineyard previously owned by a debtor of the Opera, considering that the full price has been paid to the officials of the public debt. Prohibition to demand payment from the buyer from the Commune of a vineyard previously owned by a debtor of the Opera, considering that the full price has been paid to the officials of the public debt.
o0204012.070h 1427/8 marzo 23 Purchase of a thousand florins of public debt shares to pay the prebends of the new canons. Purchase of a thousand florins of public debt shares to pay the prebends of the new canons.
o0204013.089m 1434/5 gennaio 31 Reimbursement of a loss in the sale of rights of the public debt. Reimbursement of a loss in the sale of rights of the public debt.
o0202001.212va 1433/4 marzo 24 Release of a credit of public debt from the condition imposed by the Opera. Release of a credit of public debt from the condition imposed by the Opera.
o0201078.021b 1421 aprile 7 Renunciation of the notary of testaments to his appointment, because he is engaged at the office of the public debt of the Commune. Renunciation of the notary of testaments to his appointment, because he is engaged at the office of the public debt of the Commune.
o0201080.034vb 1422 giugno 10 Request of punishment at the public gallows for guard of the pawns guilty of physical abuse. Request of punishment at the public gallows for guard of the pawns guilty of physical abuse.
o0201080.022vb 1422 marzo 31 Sale of the pawns of the last six months after public proclamation. Sale of the pawns of the last six months after public proclamation.
o0202001.065vc 1427 agosto 20 Verification of account entries extracted from records of the public debt with cancellation of some that were erroneously registered. Verification of account entries extracted from records of the public debt with cancellation of some that were erroneously registered.
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