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o0201070.002a 1416/7 gennaio 4 Letter to the lumber suppliers instructing them to respect the consignment agreements. Letter to the lumber suppliers instructing them to respect the consignment agreements.
o0201075.005vd 1418/9 febbraio 3 Order to the lumber suppliers to respect the agreements. Order to the lumber suppliers to respect the agreements.
o0201076.012va 1419 settembre 4 Restitution of a lunette of white marble not corresponding to the measurements requested with permission to the suppliers to sell it. Restitution of a lunette of white marble not corresponding to the measurements requested with permission to the suppliers to sell it.
o0201076.021e 1419 ottobre 21 Compensation to suppliers compelled by their manager to sell an altarpiece of white marble and release from penalty for the purchaser. Compensation to suppliers compelled by their manager to sell an altarpiece of white marble and release from penalty for the purchaser.
o0201077.006vd 1419/20 gennaio 10 Letter to the Podestà of Pontassieve and Dicomano for the summons of the respective lumber suppliers. Letter to the Podestà of Pontassieve and Dicomano for the summons of the respective lumber suppliers.
o0201077.016ve 1419/20 febbraio 7 Authorization to suppliers to transport lumber of the Opera together with that of the Commune of Florence. Authorization to suppliers to transport lumber of the Opera together with that of the Commune of Florence.
o0201077.030vb 1420 aprile 1 Letter to lumber suppliers to solicit consignment. Letter to lumber suppliers to solicit consignment.
o0201078.003e 1420/1 gennaio 9 Debit of the cost of marble transport to the suppliers. Debit of the cost of marble transport to the suppliers.
o0201078.014a 1420/1 marzo 15 Authorization to the administrator to contract out supply of sandstone blocks and stones with advance to the suppliers. Authorization to the administrator to contract out supply of sandstone blocks and stones with advance to the suppliers.
o0201078.065vb 1420/1 marzo 15 Payment to the administrator of the gabelles of Pisa for transcription of the names of the suppliers. Payment to the administrator of the gabelles of Pisa for transcription of the names of the suppliers.
o0201078.021a 1421 aprile 7 Request to the administrator of the office of the Ten of Pisa to inform the suppliers about gabelles of the city and of the Pisan countryside. Request to the administrator of the office of the Ten of Pisa to inform the suppliers about gabelles of the city and of the Pisan countryside.
o0201078.025va 1421 aprile 18 Ruling against two lumber suppliers who have not respected their agreement. Ruling against two lumber suppliers who have not respected their agreement.
o0201078.027vd 1421 aprile 26 Mode of payment of a sum allocated to two suppliers, who have lost at sea a rented gondola loaded with marble. Mode of payment of a sum allocated to two suppliers, who have lost at sea a rented gondola loaded with marble.
o0201078.029vc 1421 maggio 5 Authorization to give a stonecutter money, for which he will be registered as debtor and have to render account, in order to pay the lumber suppliers. Authorization to give a stonecutter money, for which he will be registered as debtor and have to render account, in order to pay the lumber suppliers.
o0201078.033vb 1421 maggio 30 Commission to the administrator to check the account of defaulting suppliers of lumber and restitution of what has been paid to them. Commission to the administrator to check the account of defaulting suppliers of lumber and restitution of what has been paid to them.
o0201079.066b 1421 luglio 10 Payment to suppliers of marble for expenditures made in conveying from Pisa to Florence 4 pieces of marble for the oculus of the third tribune. Payment to suppliers of marble for expenditures made in conveying from Pisa to Florence 4 pieces of marble for the oculus of the third tribune.
o0204008.115vf 1421 luglio 10 Payment to suppliers of marble for expenditures made in conveying from Pisa to Florence 4 pieces of marble for the oculus of the third tribune. Payment to suppliers of marble for expenditures made in conveying from Pisa to Florence 4 pieces of marble for the oculus of the third tribune.
o0201079.016vc 1421 agosto 20 Ruling in favor of lender of horses for a lost saddle with deduction from the salary of the person responsible and, for the horse, from the fees of the defaulting lumber suppliers. Ruling in favor of lender of horses for a lost saddle with deduction from the salary of the person responsible and, for the horse, from the fees of the defaulting lumber suppliers.
o0201079.072vd 1421 agosto 28 Balance of payment to lumber suppliers. Balance of payment to lumber suppliers.
o0204008.122d 1421 agosto 28 Balance of payment to lumber suppliers. Balance of payment to lumber suppliers.
o0201079.024vb 1421 settembre 11 Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano with summons for the defaulting suppliers of lumber. Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano with summons for the defaulting suppliers of lumber.
o0201079.026vb 1421 settembre 17 Authorization to the provost with one of the wardens to set and allocate the amount the suppliers must reimburse to the stonecutter sent to the forest to solicit them. Authorization to the provost with one of the wardens to set and allocate the amount the suppliers must reimburse to the stonecutter sent to the forest to solicit them.
o0201079.031ve 1421 ottobre 11 Term for consignment to lumber suppliers with penalty for every towload not conveyed. Term for consignment to lumber suppliers with penalty for every towload not conveyed.
o0201079.040e 1421 novembre 5 Obligation to the defaulting suppliers of mortar to compensate the additional cost incurred by the Opera for the purchase of the missing material, after notification. Obligation to the defaulting suppliers of mortar to compensate the additional cost incurred by the Opera for the purchase of the missing material, after notification.
o0201079.040vb 1421 novembre 5 Credit to stonecutter for having paid 4 lumber suppliers. Credit to stonecutter for having paid 4 lumber suppliers.
o0201079.045b 1421 novembre 26 Letters to the Ten supervisors of Pisa, the podestàs and the Captain instructing them seek help in conveying marble, if necessary, from suppliers and bankers in Pisa. Letters to the Ten supervisors of Pisa, the podestàs and the Captain instructing them seek help in conveying marble, if necessary, from suppliers and bankers in Pisa.
o0201079.048a 1421 dicembre 5 Letter to bankers in Pisa to pay suppliers of marble. Letter to bankers in Pisa to pay suppliers of marble.
o0201080.063a 1421/2 gennaio 14 Authorization to the treasurer to pay two suppliers for the marble needed for cornice of the main cupola. Authorization to the treasurer to pay two suppliers for the marble needed for cornice of the main cupola.
o0201080.063b 1421/2 gennaio 19 Authorization to the treasurer to pay two suppliers for marble conveyed and to be conveyed. Authorization to the treasurer to pay two suppliers for marble conveyed and to be conveyed.
o0201080.063c 1421/2 gennaio 19 Payment to suppliers and bargemen for supply of white marble. Payment to suppliers and bargemen for supply of white marble.
o0201080.010ve 1421/2 febbraio 6 Threat of incarceration for two suppliers in case of failure to consign the marble for the cornice of the cupola. Threat of incarceration for two suppliers in case of failure to consign the marble for the cornice of the cupola.
o0201080.067c 1421/2 marzo 13 Payment to suppliers of white marble for the bargemen. Payment to suppliers of white marble for the bargemen.
o0201080.028c 1422 aprile 29 Restitution to suppliers of stones delivered in excess. Restitution to suppliers of stones delivered in excess.
o0201080.028va 1422 aprile 29 Debit to the suppliers of marble of the half of the cost of a person sent to Pisa and Carrara to solicit its consignment. Debit to the suppliers of marble of the half of the cost of a person sent to Pisa and Carrara to solicit its consignment.
o0201080.029a 1422 maggio 5 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa for conveying marble to Signa at the expense of the suppliers. Letter to the Podestà of Pisa for conveying marble to Signa at the expense of the suppliers.
o0201080.032b 1422 maggio 20 Debit to the suppliers of marble of the cost of a person sent to Pisa and to the quarry in Lunigiana to solicit its consignment. Debit to the suppliers of marble of the cost of a person sent to Pisa and to the quarry in Lunigiana to solicit its consignment.
o0201081.011d 1422 agosto 14 Order to suspend a payment to suppliers of white marble. Order to suspend a payment to suppliers of white marble.
o0201081.070vc 1422 agosto 26 Payment to suppliers of marble to pay the bargemen. Payment to suppliers of marble to pay the bargemen.
o0204009.035ve 1422 agosto 26 Payment to suppliers of marble to pay the bargemen. Payment to suppliers of marble to pay the bargemen.
o0201081.036c 1422 dicembre 30 Order not to renew mortar contracts of negligent suppliers. Order not to renew mortar contracts of negligent suppliers.
o0201082.002va 1422/3 gennaio 18 Letter in favor of suppliers of marble to assist them in their assignment. Letter in favor of suppliers of marble to assist them in their assignment.
o0201082.088vd 1422/3 marzo 22 Guaranty for payment to suppliers of marble. Guaranty for payment to suppliers of marble.
o0201083.002vd 1423 luglio 5 Ruling in favor of lumber raftsman for collection of monies from the suppliers. Ruling in favor of lumber raftsman for collection of monies from the suppliers.
o0204011.013l 1423 agosto 16 Record of the allocation of funds made to (lumber suppliers). Record of the allocation of funds made to (lumber suppliers).
o0201083.008b 1423 ottobre 5 Order to the suppliers of marble of settle payment for transport. Order to the suppliers of marble of settle payment for transport.
o0201084.041vd 1423/4 gennaio 12 Payment to suppliers of white marble including transport. Payment to suppliers of white marble including transport.
o0204009.078c 1423/4 gennaio 12 Payment to suppliers of white marble including transport. Payment to suppliers of white marble including transport.
o0201084.005a 1423/4 febbraio 4 Order to the administrator to audit the accounts of the suppliers of white marble. Order to the administrator to audit the accounts of the suppliers of white marble.
o0201084.042a 1423/4 febbraio 4 Payment to suppliers of large chestnut trees for the chain of the cupola. Payment to suppliers of large chestnut trees for the chain of the cupola.
o0201084.065f 1423/4 febbraio 4 Guaranty for the suppliers of chestnut trees for the chain of the cupola. Guaranty for the suppliers of chestnut trees for the chain of the cupola.
o0204009.079a 1423/4 febbraio 4 Payment to suppliers of large chestnut trees for the chain of the cupola. Payment to suppliers of large chestnut trees for the chain of the cupola.
o0201084.006vc 1423/4 febbraio 18 Order to suppliers to consign mortar. Order to suppliers to consign mortar.
o0201084.044vd 1424 marzo 28 Payment to suppliers of white marble for the external ribs of the cupola. Payment to suppliers of white marble for the external ribs of the cupola.
o0201084.015vc 1424 aprile 28 Unfinished act regarding rulings in favor of a Pisan for litigation with the suppliers of marble. Unfinished act regarding rulings in favor of a Pisan for litigation with the suppliers of marble.
o0201086.020d 1425 giugno 1 Order to the administrator to debit rotten lumber to the lumber suppliers. Order to the administrator to debit rotten lumber to the lumber suppliers.
o0204011.025vd 1425 giugno 1 Order to the administrator to debit rotten lumber to the lumber suppliers. Order to the administrator to debit rotten lumber to the lumber suppliers.
o0201086.021vb 1425 giugno 8 Order to the administrator to cancel the credit of two suppliers of white marble who turn out not to be creditors. Order to the administrator to cancel the credit of two suppliers of white marble who turn out not to be creditors.
o0202001.009vc 1425 settembre 18 Letter to the Lord of Lucca requesting him to allow passage of the suppliers of white marble through the territory from the port of Motrone to the Serchio river. Letter to the Lord of Lucca requesting him to allow passage of the suppliers of white marble through the territory from the port of Motrone to the Serchio river.
o0204011.028a 1425 settembre 18 Letter to the Lord of Lucca for the use of the road on the part of the suppliers of white marble. Letter to the Lord of Lucca for the use of the road on the part of the suppliers of white marble.
o0204012.009va 1425/6 febbraio 14 Payment to masters, suppliers of dressed stone for the castle of Lastra. Payment to masters, suppliers of dressed stone for the castle of Lastra.
o0202001.029e 1426 aprile 29 Sentence condemning accountant for missing report on a dispute between the Opera and the suppliers of white marble, with final term for its presentation to the consuls or the wardens. Sentence condemning accountant for missing report on a dispute between the Opera and the suppliers of white marble, with final term for its presentation to the consuls or the wardens.
o0202001.035a 1426 giugno 7 Letter to the Lord of Lucca requesting him to permit the transit of white marble suppliers up to the sea. Letter to the Lord of Lucca requesting him to permit the transit of white marble suppliers up to the sea.
o0204012.021vd 1426 settembre 5 Payment to lumber suppliers for repairing the roads of the forest. Payment to lumber suppliers for repairing the roads of the forest.
o0202001.047vf 1426 dicembre 18 Letter to the lumber suppliers instructing them not to cut fir trees in the forest of the Opera without permit and to convey the lumber to the port of Dicomano. Letter to the lumber suppliers instructing them not to cut fir trees in the forest of the Opera without permit and to convey the lumber to the port of Dicomano.
o0202001.075g 1427 dicembre 30 Fine with term of payment, or of consignment, to defaulting suppliers of lumber. Fine with term of payment, or of consignment, to defaulting suppliers of lumber.
o0202001.081l 1428 aprile 17 Obligation to the suppliers to take back the rotten lumber they delivered, paying the price levied before its withdrawal. Obligation to the suppliers to take back the rotten lumber they delivered, paying the price levied before its withdrawal.
o0202001.081vc 1428 aprile 19 Mode of payment for legal counsel requested from expert for default of (lumber suppliers) due to the war. Mode of payment for legal counsel requested from expert for default of (lumber suppliers) due to the war.
o0204012.079h (1428 maggio 26) Payment to lumber suppliers. Payment to lumber suppliers.
o0202001.086vi 1428 luglio 5 Agreements for the resolution of a lumber supply interrupted because of the war with partition between the suppliers and the Opera of the damages suffered because of the abandonment of cut lumber Agreements for the resolution of a lumber supply interrupted because of the war with partition between the suppliers and the Opera of the damages suffered because of the abandonment of cut lumber
o0202001.088i 1428 luglio 20 Authorization to the administrator to pay bargemen, debiting the marble suppliers. Authorization to the administrator to pay bargemen, debiting the marble suppliers.
o0202001.088vb 1428 luglio 27 Order to suppliers to go to Pisa with the carters to oversee the loading of marble. Order to suppliers to go to Pisa with the carters to oversee the loading of marble.
o0204012.086vh 1428 agosto 23 Advance on payment to suppliers of white marble. Advance on payment to suppliers of white marble.
o0204012.108g 1429 giugno 16 Payments to bargemen registered in name of the suppliers of white marble. Payments to bargemen registered in name of the suppliers of white marble.
o0204012.111va 1429 luglio 5 Payment to lumber suppliers. Payment to lumber suppliers.
o0202001.110vb 1429 luglio 29 Order to white marble suppliers to fulfill their contracts according to the terms foreseen and prohibition to make new commissions. Order to white marble suppliers to fulfill their contracts according to the terms foreseen and prohibition to make new commissions.
o0204012.117d 1429 novembre 4 Payment to suppliers for lumber cut and trimmed. Payment to suppliers for lumber cut and trimmed.
o0202001.124i 1429/30 marzo 18 Revocation in part of the tare set for the marble suppliers. Revocation in part of the tare set for the marble suppliers.
o0202001.147va 1431 agosto 16 Letter to the constable of Rencine to escort the suppliers of sand for the castle of Castellina. Letter to the constable of Rencine to escort the suppliers of sand for the castle of Castellina.
o0202001.196h 1432/3 marzo 23 Price fixed for mortar with order to put the extra cost at the expense of defaulting suppliers. Price fixed for mortar with order to put the extra cost at the expense of defaulting suppliers.
o0204004.023vc 1433 giugno 22 Authorization to the suppliers of the marble to return to work in the Opera. Authorization to the suppliers of the marble to return to work in the Opera.
o0202001.205e 1433 settembre 16 Order to procure the transport of elms for the chains of church and the payment of the suppliers. Order to procure the transport of elms for the chains of church and the payment of the suppliers.
o0204004.028vo 1433 novembre 6 Authorization to debit the amounts due to the bargemen to the account of the suppliers of the marble. Authorization to debit the amounts due to the bargemen to the account of the suppliers of the marble.
o0204013.064vf 1433 novembre 6 Payment for transport of marble from Pisa to the port of Signa and deduction of the amount from the suppliers. Payment for transport of marble from Pisa to the port of Signa and deduction of the amount from the suppliers.
o0202001.208c 1433 dicembre 2 Order of demand of payment for the carters who must convey marble, who will be paid at the expense of the suppliers when transport has been effected. Order of demand of payment for the carters who must convey marble, who will be paid at the expense of the suppliers when transport has been effected.
o0204004.029vo 1433 dicembre 2 Order to the master builder to demand payment of the carters and pay them at the expense of the suppliers of the marble. Order to the master builder to demand payment of the carters and pay them at the expense of the suppliers of the marble.
o0801001.106vf 1434/5 gennaio 31 Account of suppliers of marble with no indication of motive. Account of suppliers of marble with no indication of motive.
o0801002.030a 1435 Collective account of suppliers of marble with no indication of motive. Collective account of suppliers of marble with no indication of motive.
o0801002.030b 1435 Collective account of suppliers of marble with no indication of motive. Collective account of suppliers of marble with no indication of motive.
o0801002.030c 1435 Collective account of suppliers of marble with no indication of motive. Collective account of suppliers of marble with no indication of motive.
o0202001.229n 1435 aprile 1 Authorization to accept three previously refused pieces of marble and to register them in the suppliers' account. Authorization to accept three previously refused pieces of marble and to register them in the suppliers' account.
o0801002.068va 1435 ottobre 5 Collective account of suppliers of stones. Collective account of suppliers of stones.
o0202001.246g 1435 dicembre 30 Prohibition to demand payment from suppliers for failure to consign marble because of the Lucca war. Prohibition to demand payment from suppliers for failure to consign marble because of the Lucca war.
o0801002.095va 1435 dicembre 31 Collective account of suppliers of marble. Collective account of suppliers of marble.
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