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Context of query
o0202001.175vc 1429 novembre 15 Order to the canons to come back to live in the cloister, under penalty of the revocation of the assignment of the houses. canonici - devono abitare nel chiostro
o0202001.175vd 1429 novembre 15 Notification to the canons of deadline for returning to their residences. canonici - devono rientrare
o0202001.064l 1427 agosto 5 Authority to wardens for assignment of houses to chaplains forced to evacuate their previous habitations. cappellani - devono sgombrare case
o0202001.015va 1425 novembre 21 Term to masters of the walls of the castle of Lastra for the completion of the work specified, and no more than that. da Gangalandi, maestri dei muri - Lastra, devono terminare lavoro
o0201075.033d 1419 giugno 9 Term for consignment of the pawns to the debt collectors. esattori - devono consegnare pegni
o0201079.025vb 1421 settembre 15 Ruling on financial disagreement between the guardian of the pawns and the accountants who audited his accounts. esattori - devono pagare ragionieri
o0201076.029b 1419 novembre 10 Order to the debt collectors to the pay sum agreed upon, under penalty of demand of payment. esattori - devono rispettare promessa scritta
o0201070b.003g 1416/7 gennaio 14 Prohibition to the debt collectors outside the city to demand payment without permission, obligation to give back the pawns and order to return. esattori fuori città - devono restituire i pegni
o0201070b.003g 1416/7 gennaio 14 Prohibition to the debt collectors outside the city to demand payment without permission, obligation to give back the pawns and order to return. esattori fuori città - devono ritornare
o0202001.203e 1433 luglio 13 Order to six masters to continue to work in the Trassinaia quarry. maestri - devono lavorare in Trassinaia pena licenziamento
o0204004.008b 1432 agosto 27 Injunction to have the masters work only on the cupola on pain of dismissal. maestri - devono lavorare solo alla cupola
o0201075.028vd 1419 maggio 20 Order to the masters of return to work within the month of May. maestri - devono tornare entro maggio
o0204004.023f 1433 giugno 18 Prohibition to send masters with salary higher than fifteen soldi on convocation service. maestri con salario sopra 15 soldi - non devono essere usati per servizio convocazione
o0204011.020d 1424/5 gennaio 12 Rights of the notary of the Opera on all the allocations of funds made to the workers of the wallworks (of Lastra and Malmantile). maestri della muraglia - devono pagare diritti su stanziamenti
o0201086.001vd 1424/5 gennaio 12 Rights of the notary of the Opera on the allocations of funds made to the masters of Lastra and Malmantile. maestri di Lastra e Malmantile - devono pagare diritti su stanziamenti
o0202001.007vf 1425 agosto 22 Order to each of the masters to bring a hammer and consign it to the scribe, under penalty of non-registration of work days. maestri muratori - devono portare martello
o0202001.026vd 1426 marzo 26 Order to the master stonecutters in the Opera and at Trassinaia to work at least eight days for every pay period, under penalty of dismissal. maestri scalpellatori - devono lavorare 8 giorni per paga
o0204011.034f 1425/6 marzo 23 Order to the stonecutters including those of Trassinaia to work at least eight days for each pay period, under penalty of dismissal. maestri scalpellatori - devono lavorare 8 giorni per paga
o0202001.007vf 1425 agosto 22 Order to each of the masters to bring a hammer and consign it to the scribe, under penalty of non-registration of work days. maestri scalpellatori - devono portare martello
o0202001.026vd 1426 marzo 26 Order to the master stonecutters in the Opera and at Trassinaia to work at least eight days for every pay period, under penalty of dismissal. maestri scalpellatori - Trassinaia, devono lavorare 8 giorni per paga
o0204011.034f 1425/6 marzo 23 Order to the stonecutters including those of Trassinaia to work at least eight days for each pay period, under penalty of dismissal. maestri scalpellatori - Trassinaia, devono lavorare 8 giorni per paga
o0201086.023va 1425 giugno 19 Order to repossess cloth hangings and other things given in loan and to draw up an inventory of such furnishings. operai - devono riprendere drappelloni
o0204011.020d 1424/5 gennaio 12 Rights of the notary of the Opera on all the allocations of funds made to the workers of the wallworks (of Lastra and Malmantile). provveditori della muraglia - devono pagare diritti su stanziamenti
o0202001.248e 1435/6 febbraio 6 Prohibition to the officials to allow work in the Opera in the days of Holy Thursday and Saturday, under penalty of dismissal from their appointment. ufficiali dell'Opera - devono impedire il lavoro il giovedì e sabato santo
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