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Context of query
o0201077.044vf 1420 giugno 15 Election of supervisors of the forest to repair the damages caused in it by lack of surveillance. Battista d'Antonio, capomaestro - resta otto giorni alla selva
o0202001.198ve 1433 maggio 22 Payment to the vice master builder for having worked holidays. Battista d'Antonio, vice capomaestro - lavora nei giorni festivi
o0201077.007a 1419/20 gennaio 10 Notification to messengers and debt collectors of means and schedules for demand of payment and distraint to debtors. berrovieri - possono pignorare ogni 10 giorni
o0201086.019vb 1425 maggio 31 Prohibition to the personnel to have themselves pulled up by the hoist outside the walls of the cupola and the chapels under penalty of loss of 15 days' salary. camarlingo - trattiene salario di 15 giorni a puniti
o0204011.025i 1425 maggio 31 Prohibition to workers have themselves pulled up by the hoist in order to catch birds under penalty of loss of 15 days' salary. camarlingo - trattiene salario di 15 giorni a puniti
o0202001.188i 1432 ottobre 11 Order to record the days worked by some masters and to keep open the work site on Sundays and holidays for those working by order of the master builder. capomaestro - autorizza lavoro nei giorni festivi
o0204008.058vg 1419 dicembre 29 Salary of the messenger. Domenico di Niccolò Quaglia, messo - scomputo dei giorni malattia
o0201077.007a 1419/20 gennaio 10 Notification to messengers and debt collectors of means and schedules for demand of payment and distraint to debtors. esattori - possono pignorare ogni 10 giorni
o0204012.130b 1430 aprile 8 Salary of Brunelleschi. Filippo di ser Brunellesco - andato (in campo) a Lucca per 10 giorni
o0202001.054ve 1427 aprile 2 Permit to leave work and loan of a rope to Brunelleschi. Filippo di ser Brunellesco - licenza per 4 giorni
o0204012.130b 1430 aprile 8 Salary of Brunelleschi. Filippo di ser Brunellesco - scomputo di 10 giorni
o0202001.188i 1432 ottobre 11 Order to record the days worked by some masters and to keep open the work site on Sundays and holidays for those working by order of the master builder. Filippozzo - tiene aperta l'Opera nei giorni festivi
o0201081.027vc 1422 novembre 6 Registration of the daily wages and of the overtime hours labored by the workers. Filippozzo Bastari, scrivano delle giornate - registra ore e giorni lavorati oltre orario
o0202001.188i 1432 ottobre 11 Order to record the days worked by some masters and to keep open the work site on Sundays and holidays for those working by order of the master builder. lavoranti nei giorni festivi - iscrizione delle giornate
o0201086.042vd 1424/5 gennaio 24 Salary of Lorenzo of Bartoluccio with deduction for trip. Lorenzo di Bartoluccio, orafo - va a Venezia per 1 mese e 20 giorni
o0201081.027vc 1422 novembre 6 Registration of the daily wages and of the overtime hours labored by the workers. maestri - iscrizione ore e giorni fuori orario
o0202001.031a 1426 aprile 30 Prohibition to the masters to work outside the Opera without permit and obligation to work at least eight days of every pay period. maestri muratori - obbligo di lavorare per 8 giorni
o0202001.026vd 1426 marzo 26 Order to the master stonecutters in the Opera and at Trassinaia to work at least eight days for every pay period, under penalty of dismissal. maestri scalpellatori - devono lavorare 8 giorni per paga
o0204011.034f 1425/6 marzo 23 Order to the stonecutters including those of Trassinaia to work at least eight days for each pay period, under penalty of dismissal. maestri scalpellatori - devono lavorare 8 giorni per paga
o0202001.031a 1426 aprile 30 Prohibition to the masters to work outside the Opera without permit and obligation to work at least eight days of every pay period. maestri scalpellatori - obbligo di lavorare per 8 giorni
o0202001.026vd 1426 marzo 26 Order to the master stonecutters in the Opera and at Trassinaia to work at least eight days for every pay period, under penalty of dismissal. maestri scalpellatori - Trassinaia, devono lavorare 8 giorni per paga
o0204011.034f 1425/6 marzo 23 Order to the stonecutters including those of Trassinaia to work at least eight days for each pay period, under penalty of dismissal. maestri scalpellatori - Trassinaia, devono lavorare 8 giorni per paga
o0202001.031a 1426 aprile 30 Prohibition to the masters to work outside the Opera without permit and obligation to work at least eight days of every pay period. maestri scalpellatori - Trassinaia, obbligo di lavorare per 8 giorni
o0201081.027vc 1422 novembre 6 Registration of the daily wages and of the overtime hours labored by the workers. manovali - iscrizione ore e giorni fuori orario
o0202001.195vm 1432/3 marzo 4 Registration of the days worked by an unskilled worker. Martino di Nanni, manovale - lavora in giorni festivi
o0204004.018vi 1432/3 marzo 4 Registration of the days worked making mortar. Martino, fa la calcina - lavora in giorni festivi
o0201077.007a 1419/20 gennaio 10 Notification to messengers and debt collectors of means and schedules for demand of payment and distraint to debtors. messi - possono pignorare ogni 10 giorni
o0204009.099c 1425 marzo 26 Payment for reimbursement of travel expenditures to the notary of testaments for a bequest. Niccolò di Piero Attavanti, ser, notaio dei testamenti - rimborso spese viaggio di 8 giorni
o0201086.046va 1425 marzo 26 Payment for reimbursement of travel expenditures to notary (of the testaments) for investigation on testamentary bequest. Niccolò di Piero Ottavanti, ser, notaio (dei testamenti) - rimborso spese viaggio di 8 giorni
o0201074.037a 1418 settembre 23 Salary of a stonecutter. Paolo di Piero, scalpellatore - paga per 9 giorni di lavoro
o0201077.044vf 1420 giugno 15 Election of supervisors of the forest to repair the damages caused in it by lack of surveillance. Simone di Filippo di messer Leonardo Strozzi - resta otto giorni alla selva
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