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Context of query
o0202001.175ve 1429 novembre 16 Confirmation of consignment of notification. Nanni - ha consegnato notifica
o0202001.175ve 1429 novembre 16 Confirmation of consignment of notification. Bartolomeo di maestro Antonio da San Miniato, ser, notaio dell'Opera - riceve conferma di notifica
o0202001.175ve 1429 novembre 16 Confirmation of consignment of notification. canonici - hanno ricevuto notifica
o0202001.176d 1429 dicembre 3 Confirmation of notification to canons about the obligation to live in the houses assigned to them. Nanni - conferma notifica
o0202001.176d 1429 dicembre 3 Confirmation of notification to canons about the obligation to live in the houses assigned to them. Bartolomeo di maestro Antonio da San Miniato, notaio dell'Opera - riceve conferma di notifica
o0202001.106ve 1429 maggio 18 Destruction of part of house of (canon) and new assignment to another (canon). provveditore - notifica sgombro
o0202001.106ve 1429 maggio 18 Destruction of part of house of (canon) and new assignment to another (canon). Giovanni di Girolamo da Gubbio, messer - notifica per sgomberare casa
o0202001.060ve 1427 maggio 28 Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano for proclamation against the introduction of animals into the forest and letter to its guard instructing him to notify the transgressors. guardia della selva - notifica trasgressori
o0202001.029c 1426 aprile 29 Notification to have letter written to Venice for the dispatch of glass purchased and letter to the master of the glass oculi instructing him to come to work on them. notaio dell'Opera - notifica per invio lettera
o0202001.029c 1426 aprile 29 Notification to have letter written to Venice for the dispatch of glass purchased and letter to the master of the glass oculi instructing him to come to work on them. provveditore - notifica per invio lettera
o0202001.175vd 1429 novembre 15 Notification to the canons of deadline for returning to their residences. Nanni di Franco, messo - notifica rientro
o0201078.045c 1421 giugno 26 Obligation of residence to the canons who do not live in the houses assigned within brief term, with new payment of tax and notification. Battista Castellani, messer, canonico notificato - notifica per alloggio
o0201078.045c 1421 giugno 26 Obligation of residence to the canons who do not live in the houses assigned within brief term, with new payment of tax and notification. Marino, messer, canonico notificato - notifica per alloggio
o0202001.176c 1429 dicembre 3 Order to notify the canons about their obligation to live in the houses assigned to them. Nanni di Franco, messo - fa notifica canonici per residenza
o0202001.176c 1429 dicembre 3 Order to notify the canons about their obligation to live in the houses assigned to them. canonici - ricevono notifica per obbligo residenza
o0204004.015g 1432 dicembre 9 Order to settle accounts at the rate of the communal treasury and to leave only small change. provveditore - notifica norme revisione ai ragionieri dei camarlinghi
o0204008.090a 1420 ottobre 10 Payment for expenditures of notification of debts to various communes and parishes. Andrea di Capretta, scalpellatore - notifica debiti
o0201080.066e 1421/2 febbraio 26 Payment to accountant for notification of a debt. Zanobi di Borgognone, ragioniere - diritti su notifica
o0201080.066f 1421/2 febbraio 26 Payment to accountant for rights on notification of debt. Zanobi di Borgognone, ragioniere - diritti su notifica
o0204004.014vd 1432 dicembre 3 Prohibition to demand payment from Santa Maria Nuova without prior notification of the notary of the Opera. notaio dell'Opera - notifica gravamento
o0201084.003vb 1423/4 gennaio 27 Prohibition to demand payment from the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova, because it is a charitable institution, and to demand payment of, arrest and distrain its personnel. notaio dell'Opera - registra notifica di gravamento
o0202001.122d 1429/30 gennaio 31 Prohibition to make contracts with kilnmen who have not supplied surety to the Opera and demand of payment from them and their guarantors for the advance payments received. Filippozzo, scrivano delle giornate - notifica divieto di condotta ai fornaciai
o0202001.031a 1426 aprile 30 Prohibition to the masters to work outside the Opera without permit and obligation to work at least eight days of every pay period. operaio preposto - notifica impedimento al lavoro
o0202001.031a 1426 aprile 30 Prohibition to the masters to work outside the Opera without permit and obligation to work at least eight days of every pay period. operaio compagno del preposto - notifica impedimento al lavoro
o0202001.231e 1435 aprile 26 Rent of house at set price with possibility of recession with four months' notice. provveditore - notifica disdetta affitto
o0201070b.022vb 1417 maggio 26 Resolution in favor of customs officer for rights due him for notification of herd livestock. Jacopo di Piero Foresta, doganiere a Ciggiano - diritti su notifica bestiame
o0202001.230vc 1435 aprile 22 Term to the treasurers of the gabelles and forced loans in office from the 1425 for presentation of their rights or consignment of money collected and not paid, under penalty of dispatch to debtors' registry. notaio dell'Opera - notifica debito
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