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Context of query
o0201077.027vb 1419/20 marzo 19 Prohibition to workers to work outside the Opera without permit. scalpellatori - divieto di lavorare fuori
o0201077.029e 1420 marzo 27 Authorization to two stonecutters to work outside the Opera. scalpellatori - permesso di lavorare fuori
o0201077.031e 1420 aprile 3 Authorization to count Holy Thursday and Saturday as working days. scalpellatori - iscrizione delle giornate festive
o0201077.033vc 1420 aprile 12 Prohibition to masters to work outside the Opera in the summer because of the urgent need to complete work on the third tribune. scalpellatori - richiesti a lavorare fuori
o0201077.033vc 1420 aprile 12 Prohibition to masters to work outside the Opera in the summer because of the urgent need to complete work on the third tribune. scalpellatori - divieto di lavorare fuori
o0201077.036vc 1420 aprile 24 Order not to pay the days not worked by workers who abstained from work without just cause. scalpellatori - scomputo di giornate non lavorate
o0201077.036vc 1420 aprile 24 Order not to pay the days not worked by workers who abstained from work without just cause. scalpellatori - obbligo di avvertire se assenti
o0201077.040b 1420 maggio 14 Authorization to two stonecutters to work outside the Opera. maestri scalpellatori - permesso di lavorare fuori
o0201078.035b 1421 maggio 30 Dispatch of sculptor and stonecutters to the officer of the Wool Guild for small marble slab marble that has been stolen until such time as it shall be recovered. ufficiale dell'Arte della Lana - prende in consegna scultore e scalpellatori
o0201079.051va 1421 dicembre 23 Registration of the day's wage of masters and stonecutters for work at the Trassinaia quarry. scalpellatori - iscrizione della giornata
o0201082.002c 1422/3 gennaio 18 Reduction of the number of the workers. scalpellatori - conferma di lavoro
o0204011.012vd 1423 giugno 18 Salary set for the stonecutters in Trassinaia. scalpellatori - Trassinaia, salario stabilito
o0204011.012vv 1423 luglio 8 Election of stonecutters for Trassinaia. maestri scalpellatori - Trassinaia
o0201083.009c 1423 ottobre 20 Election of stonecutters. scalpellatori
o0204011.014o 1423 ottobre 20 Election of stonecutters for work on the external ribs. scalpellatori - elezione per lavoro a creste
o0204009.080d 1423/4 febbraio 24 Payment for petty expenses. scalpellatori - vino per berlingaccio
o0204009.086a 1424 novembre 7 Payment for petty expenses. scalpellatori - vino per San Giovanni
o0201086.016vd 1425 maggio 16 Authority to the master builder to have the workers make the marble corbels for the corridor of the tribune. maestri scalpellatori - fanno beccatelli per andito tribuna
o0204011.024vh 1425 maggio 16 Authorization to the master builder to have the workers make marble corbels for the corridor of the tribune. maestri scalpellatori - fanno beccatelli per tribune minori
o0202001.007vf 1425 agosto 22 Order to each of the masters to bring a hammer and consign it to the scribe, under penalty of non-registration of work days. maestri scalpellatori - devono portare martello
o0204011.027va 1425 agosto 22 Obligation to masters and stonecutters to keep large hammers. maestri scalpellatori - tengono martelli
o0204011.027va 1425 agosto 22 Obligation to masters and stonecutters to keep large hammers. maestri scalpellatori - riconsegnano martelli
o0202001.011vd 1425 ottobre 12 Authorization to the administrator to reduce the salary fixed for the stonecutters by 2 soldi per lira. scalpellatori dell'Opera - salario ribassato
o0202001.011vd 1425 ottobre 12 Authorization to the administrator to reduce the salary fixed for the stonecutters by 2 soldi per lira. scalpellatori - Trassinaia, salario ribassato
o0202001.011vd 1425 ottobre 12 Authorization to the administrator to reduce the salary fixed for the stonecutters by 2 soldi per lira. provveditore - diminuisce salario a scalpellatori
o0202001.011vd 1425 ottobre 12 Authorization to the administrator to reduce the salary fixed for the stonecutters by 2 soldi per lira. capomaestro - sposta scalpellatori tra Opera e Trassinaia
o0204011.028l 1425 ottobre 22 Authorization to the administrator to deduct 2 soldi per lira from the stonecutters. provveditore - trattiene 2 soldi per lira a scalpellatori
o0204011.028l 1425 ottobre 22 Authorization to the administrator to deduct 2 soldi per lira from the stonecutters. maestri scalpellatori - detrazione di 2 soldi per lira
o0202001.024vb 1425/6 marzo 18 Election of a master stonecutter. scalpellatori nell'Opera - iscrizione delle giornate
o0202001.024vb 1425/6 marzo 18 Election of a master stonecutter. scalpellatori a Trassinaia - Trassinaia, iscrizione delle giornate
o0202001.024vc 1425/6 marzo 18 Prohibition to the scribe of the daily wages, the master builder and the administrator to admit stonecutters without the approval the wardens. Filippozzo di Giovenco Bastari, scrivano (delle giornate) - non può eleggere scalpellatori
o0202001.024vc 1425/6 marzo 18 Prohibition to the scribe of the daily wages, the master builder and the administrator to admit stonecutters without the approval the wardens. capomaestro - non può eleggere scalpellatori
o0202001.024vc 1425/6 marzo 18 Prohibition to the scribe of the daily wages, the master builder and the administrator to admit stonecutters without the approval the wardens. provveditore - non può eleggere scalpellatori
o0204011.034f 1425/6 marzo 23 Order to the stonecutters including those of Trassinaia to work at least eight days for each pay period, under penalty of dismissal. maestri scalpellatori - devono lavorare 8 giorni per paga
o0204011.034f 1425/6 marzo 23 Order to the stonecutters including those of Trassinaia to work at least eight days for each pay period, under penalty of dismissal. maestri scalpellatori - Trassinaia, devono lavorare 8 giorni per paga
o0202001.026vd 1426 marzo 26 Order to the master stonecutters in the Opera and at Trassinaia to work at least eight days for every pay period, under penalty of dismissal. maestri scalpellatori - Trassinaia, devono lavorare 8 giorni per paga
o0202001.026vd 1426 marzo 26 Order to the master stonecutters in the Opera and at Trassinaia to work at least eight days for every pay period, under penalty of dismissal. maestri scalpellatori - devono lavorare 8 giorni per paga
o0202001.027d 1426 aprile 15 Hiring of stonecutter for Trassinaia. scalpellatori - Trassinaia
o0202001.027d 1426 aprile 15 Hiring of stonecutter for Trassinaia. scalpellatori - iscrizione delle giornate
o0202001.031a 1426 aprile 30 Prohibition to the masters to work outside the Opera without permit and obligation to work at least eight days of every pay period. maestri scalpellatori divieto di lavorare fuori
o0202001.031a 1426 aprile 30 Prohibition to the masters to work outside the Opera without permit and obligation to work at least eight days of every pay period. maestri scalpellatori - Trassinaia, divieto di lavorare fuori
o0202001.031a 1426 aprile 30 Prohibition to the masters to work outside the Opera without permit and obligation to work at least eight days of every pay period. maestri scalpellatori - obbligo di lavorare per 8 giorni
o0202001.031a 1426 aprile 30 Prohibition to the masters to work outside the Opera without permit and obligation to work at least eight days of every pay period. maestri scalpellatori - Trassinaia, obbligo di lavorare per 8 giorni
o0202001.035f 1426 giugno 13 Prohibition to master stonecutters and masons to work outside the Opera without the permission of the provost and a warden. maestri scalpellatori - non possono lavorare fuori senza permesso
o0202001.035va 1426 giugno 13 Acquittal of masters for inobservance of the resolutions of the wardens. maestri scalpellatori - assolti
o0202001.035va 1426 giugno 13 Acquittal of masters for inobservance of the resolutions of the wardens. maestri scalpellatori - riammessi al lavoro
o0202001.040ve 1426 settembre 12 Prohibition to the masters who work on the cupola to descend more than once a day. scalpellatori sulla cupola - non possono scendere da cupola
o0202001.044g 1426 ottobre 25 Salary set for masters for the winter. maestri scalpellatori
o0202001.052c 1426/7 febbraio 28 Authorization to wardens to elect stonecutters. scalpellatori
o0202001.052c 1426/7 febbraio 28 Authorization to wardens to elect stonecutters. Antonio di Tedice Albizzi, operaio - elegge scalpellatori
o0202001.052c 1426/7 febbraio 28 Authorization to wardens to elect stonecutters. Filippozzo, scrivano - può iscrivere scalpellatori
o0202001.053a 1426/7 febbraio 28 Authorization to the wardens to elect a master stonecutter each. operai - possono eleggere scalpellatori
o0202001.054a 1426/7 marzo 12 Prohibition to the stonecutters to descend from the cupola more than once a day, under penalty of dismissal. scalpellatori - divieto discesa cupola
o0202001.054a 1426/7 marzo 12 Prohibition to the stonecutters to descend from the cupola more than once a day, under penalty of dismissal. scalpellatori - minaccia di rimozione per discesa da cupola
o0202001.056vb 1427 aprile 8 Registration of (stonecutter) in the book of the scribe with salary to be determined. scalpellatori - iscrizione delle giornate
o0202001.059vd 1427 maggio 7 Election of master stonecutters for Trassinaia. scalpellatori - Trassinaia
o0202001.061ve 1427 giugno 17 Permit to to work in the Opera to stonecutters and permission to work outside the Opera for three days. scalpellatori - licenza di tornare
o0202001.061ve 1427 giugno 17 Permit to to work in the Opera to stonecutters and permission to work outside the Opera for three days. scalpellatori - permesso di lavorare fuori
o0202001.061ve 1427 giugno 17 Permit to to work in the Opera to stonecutters and permission to work outside the Opera for three days. scalpellatori - iscrizione giornate lavorate
o0202001.064c 1427 agosto 5 Authorization to the (scribe) for the registration of the work days of the stonecutters. scalpellatori - iscrizione
o0202001.065c 1427 agosto 18 Authority to each of the wardens to elect a master stonecutter with registration in the book of work days and salary set for the summer. maestri scalpellatori
o0202001.065c 1427 agosto 18 Authority to each of the wardens to elect a master stonecutter with registration in the book of work days and salary set for the summer. maestri scalpellatori
o0202001.065c 1427 agosto 18 Authority to each of the wardens to elect a master stonecutter with registration in the book of work days and salary set for the summer. operai - eleggono maestri scalpellatori
o0202001.074d 1427 dicembre 19 Authorization to two wardens to elect a master each. scalpellatori
o0202001.076b 1427/8 gennaio 14 Concession to stonecutters to purchase up to 8 towloads of the Opera's lumber with monthly deduction from their wages. figli di Jacopo di Succhiello, scalpellatori debitori - rateizzano debito
o0202001.076b 1427/8 gennaio 14 Concession to stonecutters to purchase up to 8 towloads of the Opera's lumber with monthly deduction from their wages. figli di Jacopo di Succhiello, scalpellatori debitori - acquistano legname
o0202001.092ve 1428 ottobre 12 Election of two stonecutters. scalpellatori
o0202001.094c 1428 novembre 18 Authorization to the master builder to order master masons and stonecutters to serve as unskilled workers and any of them to work on the cupola, on penalty of dismissal. maestri scalpellatori - lavorano come manovali
o0204004.015c 1432 dicembre 9 Choice of the shed of the Alessandri and formerly of the Tedaldi as headquarters of the workforce and officials and authorization to make the wardens' audience hall and the administrator's and notary's office there. scalpellatori - utilizzano casolare dei Tedaldi
o0202001.210a 1433/4 febbraio 3 Term for the forced sale to the Opera of a shed and of a garden intended for the use of Opera personnel. scalpellatori - luogo di lavoro
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