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Context of query
o0202001.122vd 1429/30 febbraio 14 Authority for the contract of the paving in the street between the bell tower and the Tinucci house at set price. via tra campanile e casa Tinucci - lastrico
o0202001.121vi 1429/30 gennaio 26 Authority to Brunelleschi and the master builder for excavation and paving of a street. via tra campanile e casa Tinucci - sterro e lastrico
o0202001.129l 1430 settembre 6 Authority to excavate the street of the Campanile. via tra la casa dei Tinucci e il campanile
o0204011.030vl 1425 dicembre 13 Authority to the administrator of Lastra for repairs to the road for Malmantile. Malmantile - acconcimi alla via
o0202001.175g 1429 luglio 21 Authorization for sale of two houses to the Armorers' Guild. case dell'Opera in via del Campanile, 2
o0201077.047vd 1420 giugno 28 Authorization to contract out supply of stones with possibility of revocation. cava della via dell'Opera
o0201077.040d 1420 maggio 14 Authorization to convey stones to pave Borgo Ognissanti. borgo Ognissanti, via
o0202001.124vh 1430 marzo 30 Authorization to the paver of the street between the bell tower and the Tinucci house to keep all the stones removed from the site for himself. via tra campanile e casa Tinucci - lastrico
o0204013.093g 1434/5 marzo 22 Balance of payment for paintings made in the priests' cloister and in the Pope's residence. abitazione del Papa, porta in via della Scala - pittura di due agnus Dei e un giglio
o0204012.130vi 1430 aprile 21 Balance of payment for paving of the street where the Ricci live, that goes from the tower of messer Dino to the Tedaldini house. via da torre Ricci a casa Tedaldini - lastrico
o0201079.042a 1421 novembre 14 Commission to the administrator to rent out a house for five years. casa in via dell'Oblazione
o0202001.099b 1428/9 gennaio 11 Construction of wall closing off access to the canons' cloister and repairs to the adjoining house. case dei canonici e dei cappellani - chiusura via accesso
o0201075.005a 1418/9 gennaio 30 Destruction of the wall to reopen the passageway to the church of San Piero Celoro. muro tra case che chiude la via per San Piero Celoro - demolizione
o0202001.161va 1432 maggio 30 Letter to the Podestà of Pontassieve to force a lumber supplier to clear the road of the forest. dell'Opera, via che vi porta
o0202001.145a 1431 giugno 28 Order of payment to the Alessandri for the garden and shed. orto e casolare in via delle Fondamenta
o0201075.022va 1419 aprile 28 Order to demolish a wall and reopen a street. via da casa Cortigiani a casa Santa Maria Nuova - demolizione
o0204004.021m 1433 maggio 19 Order to reinforce the arch in danger of collapsing towards street of the Cocomero. arco pericolante verso via del Cocomero - armatura
o0202001.126vm 1430 maggio 2 Order to the master builder for the paving of the street of the cloister of the chapter. chiostro del capitolo, via verso casa di Tommè Della Bordella, messer, canonico - lastrico
o0202001.112h 1429 settembre 12 Order to the master builder to have street benches built along the street that is being newly paved near the bell tower. campanile, via presso - muriccioli
o0202001.112h 1429 settembre 12 Order to the master builder to have street benches built along the street that is being newly paved near the bell tower. campanile, via presso - lastricatura
o0201075.046va 1418/9 marzo 17 Payment for paintings of arms and other paintings for Santa Maria Novella. porta in via della Scala, stipiti - pittura arme Papa
o0204012.129d 1430 marzo 30 Payment for paving and excavation of the street towards the Bischeri and the square of the Pallottole. via verso i Bischeri sulla piazza delle Pallotole - sterro e lastrico
o0204013.010i 1431 marzo 27 Payment for paving the street of the Campanile. via dal campanile fino ai Bischeri - lastrico
o0204013.073ve 1434 aprile 26 Payment for supply and removal of lumber. via della selva
o0204013.086vd 1434 dicembre 31 Payment for the painting of the lily and Lambs of God over the doors of the priests' cloister and that of the Pope. porta del Papa in via della Scala - pittura di giglio e di agnus Dei
o0202001.137l 1430/1 febbraio 16 Payment for the paving of the street near the bell tower. via presso campanile - lastrico
o0204012.128va 1429/30 marzo 15 Payment for the paving of via dei Ricci. via da casa Ricci - lastrico
o0204008.031vd 1418 ottobre 26 Payment for the purchase of bricks and flat bricks. fornace in via Ghibellina
o0204009.107c 1425 agosto 17 Payment for work on kiln of the Opera in via Ghibellina. fornace dell'Opera di via Ghibellina
o0204009.107d 1425 agosto 17 Payment for work on kiln of the Opera in via Ghibellina. fornace dell'Opera di via Ghibellina
o0204009.107e 1425 agosto 17 Payment for work on kiln of the Opera in via Ghibellina. fornace dell'Opera di via Ghibellina
o0201074.041vd 1418 ottobre 26 Payment for work on the kiln of the Opera. fornace in via Ghibellina
o0204008.032d 1418 ottobre 26 Payment for work on the kiln of the Opera. fornace in via Ghibellina
o0202001.136va 1430/1 gennaio 26 Removal and reutilization of building materials from the street of the Tolosini palace. Tolosini, via del palazzo
o0202001.136f 1430/1 gennaio 26 Removal of the jetties along the via of the Campanile. case lungo la via del Campanile
o0201079.060a 1421 dicembre 17 Rent of a house for five years. casa in via dell'Offerta
o0204011.007m 1422 (dicembre 2) Rent of the quarry of Niccolò Rinucci, penalty-reinforced prohibition to transit on the road constructed by the Opera that leads to the quarry and authorization to administrator and master builder to sell stones. cava di Niccolò Rinucci, via - divieto di transito con penale
o0201081.030vc 1422 dicembre 2 Renunciation of rental of the quarry of Niccolò Rinucci at the expiration of the contract, prohibition with penalty of transit on the street constructed by the Opera that leads to the quarry and authorization to administrator and master builder to sell stones. cava di Niccolò Rinucci, via - divieto di transito con penale
o0201070.002vb 1416/7 gennaio 5 Rulings for the construction of the road of the forest and nomination of a master builder for the work. via della selva
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