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Context of query
o0201085.003vc 1424 novembre 22 Authority to master builder and administrator to contract out transport of doors from the castle of Malmantile to that of Lastra and their mounting at the destination. legno - porte
o0204011.025g 1425 maggio 21 Confirmation of contract for the doors of the castle of Malmantile. legname - fornito a spese dei Dieci per porte
o0201086.019a 1425 maggio 22 Confirmation of contract made from the Ten of Pisa to carpenters for the doors of Malmantile. cacio - fornito a spese Dieci per porte
o0201086.019a 1425 maggio 22 Confirmation of contract made from the Ten of Pisa to carpenters for the doors of Malmantile. gesso - fornito a spese Dieci per porte
o0201086.019a 1425 maggio 22 Confirmation of contract made from the Ten of Pisa to carpenters for the doors of Malmantile. legno - porte del castello di Malmantile
o0201086.019a 1425 maggio 22 Confirmation of contract made from the Ten of Pisa to carpenters for the doors of Malmantile. legni - forniti a spese dei Dieci per porte
o0204012.068va 1427/8 febbraio 5 Payment for gabelle of towloads of lumber. legname - gabella delle porte
o0204009.080d 1423/4 febbraio 24 Payment for petty expenses. pietre sguanciate - gabella al notaio delle porte
o0204013.121a 1435/6 marzo 3 Payment for petty expenses. abeti - gabella delle porte
o0204013.121a 1435/6 marzo 3 Payment for petty expenses. legname - gabella delle porte
o0204013.123va 1436 marzo 26 Payment for petty expenses. abeti - gabella delle porte
o0204013.141a 1436 novembre 19 Payment for various expenditures. abeti - gabella delle porte
o0201081.065vl 1422 luglio 7 Payment of a gabelle for lumber. legname - gabella delle porte
o0204009.029vb 1422 luglio 7 Payment of a gabelle for lumber. legname - gabella delle porte
o0201086.051a 1425 giugno 8 Payment of a gabelle for lumber. legname - gabella delle porte di Firenze
o0204012.021a 1426 agosto 19 Payment of a gabelle for towloads of lumber. legname - gabella delle porte
o0204012.021b 1426 agosto 19 Payment of a gabelle for towloads of lumber. legname - gabella delle porte
o0201077.063b 1420 marzo 27 Payment of city gate gabelle for several towloads of lumber. legname - gabella delle porte
o0204012.034g 1426 dicembre 30 Payment of city gate gabelle for towloads of lumber. legname - gabella delle porte
o0204012.070vh 1428 marzo 26 Payment of city gate gabelle for towloads of lumber. legname - gabella delle porte
o0204008.072c 1419/20 gennaio 30 Payment of gabelle for towloads of lumber in several shipments. legname - gabella delle porte
o0201086.012d 1425 aprile 18 Price per square braccio set for the account of the carpenters who made the doors at the castle of Malmantile. (legname), porte - prezzo a metro quadro
o0204011.023f 1425 aprile 18 Price per square braccio set for the account of the carpenters who made the doors at the castle of Malmantile. (legname), porte - prezzo a metro quadro
o0201078.057b 1420/1 gennaio 31 Purchase of broad bricks for the main cupola extended over six years with specification of the agreements of the contract. quadroni - gabella porte Firenze
o0204012.126a 1429/30 febbraio 10 Reimbursement of gabelle on towloads of lumber to stonecutter. legname - gabella delle porte
o0201076.017vf 1419 ottobre 7 Sale of logs extracted from three old doors removed from Santa Maria Novella. legni provenienti da porte vecchie
o0201076.017vf 1419 ottobre 7 Sale of logs extracted from three old doors removed from Santa Maria Novella. legni, porte
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