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Context of query
o0202001.232f 1435 aprile 29 Acquittal from the accusation made to raftsmen about damages caused to a weir by the passage of lumber. Text: dicte Opere ad civitatem Florentie si via
o0201074.009va 1418 agosto 19 Announcement of competition for the model of the cupola, that is to say for its armature, scaffolding and other things concerning construction. Text: publice bampniatur per civitatem Florentie in locis
o0201079.028ve 1421 ottobre 3 Appraisal of 4 big fir logs for sale. Text: ipsa ligna intra civitatem sunt conducta, deliberaverunt
o0202001.173va 1428 luglio 15 Approval of resolution for the construction of a tomb monument in a new chapel to be dedicated to Saint Zenobius. Text: eatur per totam civitatem ad processionem cum
o0202001.222va 1434 settembre 30 Authority to have marble conveyed from Carrara. Text: lucani usque ad civitatem Florentie illam quantitatem
o0202001.234vi 1435 maggio 24 Authorization to lend a rope to the abbot of Vallombrosa with agreement that it not leave the city. Text: non mictatur extra civitatem Florentie.
o0202001.086d 1428 giugno 15 Authorization to make public proclamation of the term for restitution of pawns, on penalty of the sale of the same. Text: bampniri facere per civitatem et per loca
o0201072.028vd 1417/8 marzo 21 Authorization to sell logs outside the city. Text: Item quod extra civitatem Florentie possint vendi
o0201077.044vb 1420 giugno 15 Authorization to sell lumber outside the city gates. Text: venderentur intra dictam civitatem Florentie.
o0201079.010vb 1421 agosto 2 Authorization to the administrator to sell two logs. Text: pretio quo intra civitatem Florentie venderentur.
o0201086.006b 1424/5 marzo 7 Authorization to the master builder to contract out transport of white marble. Text: Carraria usque ad civitatem Pisarum, seu ad
o0201070.009a 1416/7 febbraio 26 Authorization to the notary of testaments to elect two debt collectors. Text: exigendum etiam extra civitatem Florentie pro duobus
o0202001.088vc 1428 luglio 27 Authorization to the treasurer of the Opera in Pisa to pay the boatmen for the transport of marble from the sea to Pisa. Text: a marina ad civitatem Pisarum soldos viginti
o0201080.027d 1422 aprile 29 Cancellation of debt for sum paid to kilnman for reimbursement of travel expenditures. Text: civitate Vulterrarum ad civitatem Florentie mandato tunc
o0202001.216e 1434 maggio 11 Commission for a trip to Pisa and Avenza for questions concerning marble. Text: a Laventia ad civitatem Pisarum et, si
o0202001.216e 1434 maggio 11 Commission for a trip to Pisa and Avenza for questions concerning marble. Text: conduci faciat ad civitatem Pisarum.
o0201079.058b 1421 settembre 24 Contract for broad terracotta bricks and of corner-pieces and guaranty for restitution of advance made on previous contract. Text: ipsis quadronibus intra civitatem Florentie mictendis, sumptibus
o0201079.057a 1421 settembre 24 Contract for broad terracotta bricks and of corner-pieces. Text: quadronibus mictendis intra civitatem gabella imponeretur vel
o0202001.229b 1434/5 marzo 22 Contract for transport of stones for the base of the lantern from Carrara to Pisa. Text: Carraria usque ad civitatem Pisarum Laurentio Pelegrini
o0201086.030a 1424/5 gennaio 30 Contract for transport of white marble from Carrara with advance on payment. Text: est usque ad civitatem Pisarum penes Arnum
o0201086.030vc 1424/5 marzo 7 Contract for transport of white marble from Lavenza to Pisa. Text: Laventia usque ad civitatem Pisarum ubi consuetum
o0202001.072vi 1427 dicembre 4 Contract to Brunelleschi for trasnport of white marble in support of his invention of a new ship in the public interest. Text: itineris existentia inter civitatem Pisarum et Operam,
o0202001.061c 1427 giugno 12 Contract with Brunelleschi for transport of white marble up the Arno with term for consignment. Text: civitate Pisarum ad civitatem Florentie usque ad
o0201070b.013d 1416/7 marzo 4 Deadline to debt collectors for refraining from demand of payment for forced loans below a certain sum. Text: ad gravandum extra civitatem Florentie sub dicta
o0202001.033e 1426 maggio 17 Debit to supplier of marble of the travel expenditures borne for workers sent to mark marble at the quarry. Text: civitate Florentie ad civitatem Pisarum et de
o0201080.032b 1422 maggio 20 Debit to the suppliers of marble of the cost of a person sent to Pisa and to the quarry in Lunigiana to solicit its consignment. Text: Opere adcessit ad civitatem Pisarum ad cavam
o0201080.028va 1422 aprile 29 Debit to the suppliers of marble of the half of the cost of a person sent to Pisa and Carrara to solicit its consignment. Text: officii adcessit ad civitatem Pisarum et ad
o0202001.202b 1433 luglio 3 Demand of payment from the debtors of the city of Florence and those within ten miles. Text: Florentie et prope civitatem per decem miliaria
o0201079.032b 1421 ottobre 11 Demand of payment with notification of term to citizens who are debtors for testaments. Text: occasione testamentorum intra civitatem Florentie existentes graventur
o0201073.014e 1418 giugno 10 Detention of the debt collectors who, notwithstanding the prohibition, have continued to demand payment outside the city. Text: dictorum operariorum extra civitatem Florentie postquam fuit
o0202001.023vc 1425/6 marzo 12 Dispatch of (master) to Pisa to mark the marble suitable for the Opera, prohibiting the bargemen to load that which is not acceptable. Text: ad eundum ad civitatem Pisarum et ad
o0201076.025va 1419 ottobre 30 Letter authorizing the debt collectors to demand payment of the debtors outside the city with the exception of a debt collector who must first return a pawn. Text: ad gravandum extra civitatem etc., dummodo Manetto
o0202001.215vg 1434 aprile 30 Letter of thanks for services favoring the delivery of marble. Text: a Laventia ad civitatem Pisarum; et quod
o0201076.003d 1419 luglio 4 Letter to debt collector to demand payment of the debtors outside the city. Text: pro Opere extra civitatem Florentie.
o0202001.218va 1434 luglio 13 Letter to one of the Five of Pisa about the transport of marble and the payment of the boatmen. Text: Laventia usque ad civitatem Pisarum; et quod
o0201079.042va 1421 novembre 17 Letter to the administrator of the gabelles of Pisa instructing him to write in a notebook the contractors of gabelles and income of Pisa and its countryside; letter to the Ten supervisors of Pisa to check that said description be made and transmitted. Text: citra et inter civitatem ab anno 1406
o0201077.011c 1419/20 gennaio 26 Letter to the Captain of Pisa regarding the compromise agreement reached for a debt guaranteed by deposit. Text: non mictat ad civitatem Florentie ad eorum
o0202001.199va 1433 giugno 10 Letter to the Captain of Pisa to get back the money given to the sailors for conveying marble. Text: marina usque ad civitatem Pisarum ad restituendum
o0201080.030b 1422 maggio 12 Letter to the office of the Ten of Pisa instructing them to have sent to the Opera the annotation of the contractors of the wine and butchering gabelle of the countryside from 1419 and of all the contractors of the city and suburbs from 1416 on. Text: de causa intra civitatem et subburgos ab
o0202001.085c 1428 maggio 26 Letter to the Podestà of Arezzo for proclamation regarding the notaries of testaments, who are held to communicate the existence of legacies, and term of payment to debtors for this cause. Text: banniri faciat per civitatem Aretii quod omnes
o0202001.085c 1428 maggio 26 Letter to the Podestà of Arezzo for proclamation regarding the notaries of testaments, who are held to communicate the existence of legacies, and term of payment to debtors for this cause. Text: faciat per dictam civitatem quod omnes habentes
o0201079.023d 1421 settembre 5 Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano with order to the raftsmen to put the lumber in the water and bring it to Florence. Text: aqua ut ad civitatem Florentie conducatur statim
o0202001.127vg 1430 maggio 29 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa for debt and for removal of marble and letter to representative of the Opera soliciting the purchase of hemp and transport of stone slab from Vada. Text: marmorem conductum ad civitatem Pisarum de Opera
o0202001.116vb 1429 novembre 4 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa for demand of payment. Text: placeat gravari facere civitatem Pisarum ad solvendum
o0202001.036vc 1426 luglio 11 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for supply of white marble, injunction of supplier and summons of the notary of testaments. Text: prefate Opere ad civitatem Pisarum eorum periculo
o0202001.032a 1426 giugno 17 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for the election of a notary of the contracts office; letter to the Captain of Pisa for proclamation for the resolution of contracts; letters to the notaries of Pisa and Florence and to the treasurer of Pisa about regulations to be observed. Text: banniri facere per civitatem Pisarum et per
o0202001.032a 1426 giugno 17 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for the election of a notary of the contracts office; letter to the Captain of Pisa for proclamation for the resolution of contracts; letters to the notaries of Pisa and Florence and to the treasurer of Pisa about regulations to be observed. Text: die bampna per civitatem Pisarum et in
o0202001.084vd 1428 maggio 18 Letter to the treasurer of Pisa instructing him to pay the boatmen for transport of marble. Text: marina usque ad civitatem Pisarum usque in
o0202001.033b 1426 maggio 17 Letters to the captains of Pisa and Livorno about the white marble to be conveyed. Text: seu Carrarie ad civitatem Pisarum, ex eo
o0202001.113va 1429 ottobre 4 New term for conveying four marble tomb slabs from the quarry as far as Pisa. Text: marmoris usque ad civitatem Pisarum per totam
o0201075.010va 1418/9 marzo 9 Oath of wardens and term of payment to debtors with proclamation. Text: predicta bampniantur per civitatem Florentie etc.
o0201070b.017vc 1417 aprile 16 Open letters to the debt collectors for demand of payment outside the city. Text: ad gravandum extra civitatem cum salariis et
o0201077.029vf 1420 marzo 27 Order to announce the competition for the model of the cupola. Text: publice bapniatur per civitatem Florentie bapnum super
o0201075.009vb 1418/9 febbraio 21 Order to make a bench at the front stairs of Santa Maria del Fiore for the Pope's visit. Text: ecclesie quando intrabit civitatem Florentie eo modo
o0201079.047b 1421 dicembre 3 Order to master for a trip to Pisa to attend to the marble which has not been delivered. Text: Settignano vadat ad civitatem Pisarum ad providendum
o0201070b.017vd 1417 aprile 16 Order to notary to register income entries with penalty and notification of the debt collectors who are going to demand payment outside the city. Text: ibunt cras extra civitatem Florentie ad gravandum
o0201076.028c 1419 novembre 7 Order to prepare annually a seat where the captains of Parte Guelfa can hear mass on the feast day of San Martino. Text: erat extra dictam civitatem etc., et dicte
o0202001.108vh 1429 luglio 5 Order to Sea consul to have a rope made in Pisa. Text: Rondinellis iverit ad civitatem Pisarum ad exercendum
o0201077.030vd 1420 aprile 1 Order to the debt collectors to have the date of distraint annotated and prohibition of the sale of pawns without resolution. Text: diem postquam in civitatem predictam reversi fuerunt,
o0201073.009d 1418 maggio 4 Order to the debt collectors to return to the city and consign their letter of commission, under penalty of dismissal. Text: reversi esse ad civitatem Florentie et reddidisse
o0202001.103vl 1429 aprile 5 Order to the treasurer to pay to the notary of the Opera 2 soldi for each testamentary bequest collected in Pisa. Text: in futurum in civitatem Pisarum soldos duos
o0202001.037g 1426 luglio 24 Partition of work because of litigation between masters at the castle of Malmantile. Text: a parte versus civitatem Florentie in qua
o0201072.020c 1417/8 febbraio 17 Payment for petty expenses. Text: pro mittendo extra civitatem pro officialibus soldos
o0201070.013ve 1416/7 marzo 24 Payment for rafting of firwood. Text: a Decomano ad civitatem Florentie ad portum
o0201074.044e 1418 dicembre 2 Payment for the expenditures of a kilnman's trip and sojourn. Text: civitate Vulterrarum ad civitatem Florentie de mandato
o0201082.074ve 1423 maggio 22 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: quolibet traino per civitatem, in totum, detento
o0201070.004vc 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment of a gabelle for lumber. Text: Santi Francisci in civitatem Florentie ad rationem
o0201079.066b 1421 luglio 10 Payment to suppliers of marble for expenditures made in conveying from Pisa to Florence 4 pieces of marble for the oculus of the third tribune. Text: civitate Pisarum ad civitatem Florentie in conducendo
o0202001.052e (1426/7 febbraio 28) Permit to Brunelleschi to travel outside the city for ten days for private affairs. Text: carnesprivio eundi extra civitatem Florentie quo sibi
o0202001.054ve 1427 aprile 2 Permit to leave work and loan of a rope to Brunelleschi. Text: ad eundum extra civitatem ad providendum quoddam
o0201082.006vd 1422/3 marzo 9 Proclamation for redemption and sale of pawns. Text: quod mittatur per civitatem Florentie certa banna
o0201082.006vd 1422/3 marzo 9 Proclamation for redemption and sale of pawns. Text: se bapnisse per civitatem Florentie in loca
o0201075.010vb 1418/9 marzo 9 Proclamation for redemption or sale of pawns. Text: publice bampniantur per civitatem Florentie etc. quod
o0201083.003vd 1423 luglio 29 Proclamation for sale of pawns. Text: deliberaverunt quod per civitatem Florentie publice et
o0202001.251vl 1436 aprile 3 Proclamation for the redemption of pawns and notification of their sale after one month. Text: unum bannum per civitatem Florentie et per
o0201077.031vc 1420 aprile 3 Proclamation of competition for the cupola: unfinished act. Text: publice bapniatur per civitatem Florentie quod quicumque
o0202001.100a 1428/9 gennaio 28 Proclamation with term for redemption of pawns, under penalty of their sale, and letter to the podestàs of the countryside. Text: banniri facere per civitatem Florentie per loca
o0201070b.003g 1416/7 gennaio 14 Prohibition to the debt collectors outside the city to demand payment without permission, obligation to give back the pawns and order to return. Text: qui sunt extra civitatem qui facient ab
o0202001.193b 1432 dicembre 9 Prohibition to the debt collectors to demand payment of debtors and letters to the rectors of the Vicariates of the Mugello and of the countryside to force guarantors and debtors to make payment. Text: gravare possit extra civitatem Florentie aliquem debitorem
o0201070.011e 1416/7 marzo 6 Public solicitation of payment of rights due for pardons of forced loans, gabelles, testaments, etc. Text: mictatur bampnum per civitatem Florentie quod quicumque
o0202001.113e 1429 ottobre 4 Reimbursement of sum paid for transport of marble from Avenza to Pisa. Text: Laventie usque ad civitatem Pisarum, et considerantes
o0202001.166vc 1432 luglio 30 Restitution of pawns. Text: tria miliaria prope civitatem Florentie, et hoc
o0201079.027vc 1421 ottobre 1 Ruling to assure collection of debts, assignment of terms and payments in grape harvest time. Text: alii qui ad civitatem veniunt differunt expediri,
o0201079.038vb 1421 ottobre 31 Sale of a fir timber. Text: dicte Opere extra civitatem Florentie pro pretio
o0201079.038vb 1421 ottobre 31 Sale of a fir timber. Text: venderetur intra ipsam civitatem.
o0201079.035b 1421 ottobre 27 Sale of a log. Text: quo venderetur intra civitatem Florentie.
o0201079.045va 1421 novembre 26 Sale of a towload sized log outside the city gates. Text: pretio quo intra civitatem et sibi et
o0201079.017d 1421 agosto 20 Sale of lumber. Text: de Arnolfis extra civitatem Florentie traina ...
o0201079.017d 1421 agosto 20 Sale of lumber. Text: pretio quo intra civitatem venderentur.
o0201074.012vb 1418 agosto 31 Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. Text: Castilionis usque ad civitatem Florentie ex quo
o0201084.030va 1424 marzo 30 Supply contract for white marble. Text: aquam usque ad civitatem Pisarum, semper salvo
o0202001.194e 1432 dicembre 19 Suspension of work for the arrival of the altarpiece of Santa Maria of Impruneta. Text: fit per totam civitatem processio devotissime.
o0201076.007vb 1419 agosto 2 Term of payment for property gabelle with right of recourse against the first owners and exemption from demand of payment for donation. Text: Sancti Miniatis iuxta civitatem Florentie, qui gravati
o0202001.118ve 1429 dicembre 14 Term of payment to the Commune of Montecatini for debt for pardons. Text: fideiussionem accipiendi extra civitatem, si dicto offitio
o0201070b.009vf 1416/7 febbraio 25 Term of validity for open letters for the debt collectors working in countryside and amount of debt required for distrainment. Text: debent ire extra civitatem Florentie ad gravandum
o0202001.045vd 1426 novembre 6 Term to guarantors of master glazier to induce him to complete the work commissioned or give back sum anticipated for the same. Text: Bernardinus veniet ad civitatem Florentie ad laborandum
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