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Context of query
o0202001.203f 1433 luglio 13 Approval of guarantors. Text: per Chechum Andree Fraschetta et Chechum Mei
o0202001.201e 1433 giugno 22 Authority to the administrator and to the master builder to contract out marble at fixed price with provision for supplement for transport by land in case of need. Text: locare Checho Andree Fraschetta et Checho Mei
o0201075.029vf 1419 maggio 29 Authorization to a stonecutter to go to the forest of San Pellegrino. Text: Item quod Fraschetta scarpellator laborans in
o0202001.229n 1435 aprile 1 Authorization to accept three previously refused pieces of marble and to register them in the suppliers' account. Title: Pro Checho Fraschetta et sociis suis
o0202001.229n 1435 aprile 1 Authorization to accept three previously refused pieces of marble and to register them in the suppliers' account. Text: Checho Andree alias Fraschetta de Settignano et
o0202001.077vf 1427/8 febbraio 9 Authorization to contract out white marble for external ribs of the cupola with advance on payment to be discounted with supply of broad bricks. Text: Checho Andree alias Fraschetta et Meo Cecchini
o0202001.077a 1427/8 gennaio 22 Authorization to the administrator to contract out white marble for the external ribs of the great cupola and advance on payment. Title: fienda Checho alias Fraschetta
o0202001.077a 1427/8 gennaio 22 Authorization to the administrator to contract out white marble for the external ribs of the great cupola and advance on payment. Text: Francischo Andree alias Fraschetta de Septignano ad
o0202001.208va 1433 dicembre 30 Contract for stone slab and pieces of marble for the two organ lofts. Text: concesserunt Checho Andree Fraschetta de Septignano presenti
o0202001.033e 1426 maggio 17 Debit to supplier of marble of the travel expenditures borne for workers sent to mark marble at the quarry. Text: Chechum Andree alias Fraschetta de Settignano in
o0202001.033e 1426 maggio 17 Debit to supplier of marble of the travel expenditures borne for workers sent to mark marble at the quarry. Text: Checho Andree alias Fraschetta expensis dicte Opere,
o0201080.028va 1422 aprile 29 Debit to the suppliers of marble of the half of the cost of a person sent to Pisa and Carrara to solicit its consignment. Text: ipsis Bertino et Fraschetta satisfiat pro medietate.
o0202001.143vc 1431 giugno 15 Dismissal of some masters and reconfirmation of others. Text: Chechus Andree vocato Fraschetta Chechus Perfecti Meus
o0202001.023vc 1425/6 marzo 12 Dispatch of (master) to Pisa to mark the marble suitable for the Opera, prohibiting the bargemen to load that which is not acceptable. Title: Electio facta de Fraschetta ad eundum Pisas
o0202001.210vc 1433/4 febbraio 11 Evacuation of a house of a fugitive or his arrest. Text: intellecto quod dictus Fraschetta auffugit, deliberaverunt quod
o0201078.086b 1421 aprile 28 Guaranty for loan on supply of marble. Text: et Francisco Andree Fraschetta de Settignano conductoribus
o0202001.094va 1428 novembre 23 Hiring of masters with salary set. Text: Chechus Andree il Fraschetta s. XV d.
o0202001.152f 1431 dicembre 28 Hiring of masters. Text: videlicet: Francischum Andree Fraschetta Chechum Masi Cecchini
o0202001.122a 1429/30 gennaio 31 Information on the state of the marble lying in the ports of Carrara and Avenza and dispatch of a master for the recovery of a stone altar slab. Text: Chechus Andree alias Fraschetta de Septignano, qui
o0202001.219a 1434 luglio 23 Letter of reply about the transport of marble. Text: miliari, actento quod Fraschetta dicit et allegat
o0202001.218va 1434 luglio 13 Letter to one of the Five of Pisa about the transport of marble and the payment of the boatmen. Text: quod ipse et Fraschetta sic eis promiserunt.
o0202001.138vc 1430/1 marzo 2 Letter to the Captain of Pisa for the restitution of marble. Text: Chechum Andree alias Fraschetta.
o0202001.199va 1433 giugno 10 Letter to the Captain of Pisa to get back the money given to the sailors for conveying marble. Text: et Checho Mei Fraschetta certam quantitatem pecunie
o0202001.213e 1434 aprile 5 Nomination of persons to travel to the quarry of Campiglia to test the marble. Title: Quod Chechus Andree Fraschetta cum duobus sociis
o0202001.168ve 1432 settembre 17 Nomination of stonecutters authorized to work on the ground. Text: Massa Chechus Andree Fraschetta et Chechus Mei
o0202001.212a 1433/4 marzo 24 Order for a trip to the quarry of Campiglia in order to evaluate marble. Text: cum Checho Andree Fraschetta de Settignano vadant
o0202001.126vn 1430 maggio 2 Order for a trip to Vada for a stone altar slab and to investigate whether other relics exist there. Text: Chechus Andree alias Fraschetta de Septignano vadat
o0202001.210va 1433/4 febbraio 11 Order of arrest on grounds of breach of contract. Title: Quod Fraschetta et Bertinus et
o0202001.210va 1433/4 febbraio 11 Order of arrest on grounds of breach of contract. Text: capiantur Chechus Andree Fraschetta et Bertinus Pieri
o0202001.188i 1432 ottobre 11 Order to record the days worked by some masters and to keep open the work site on Sundays and holidays for those working by order of the master builder. Text: operas Chechi Andree Fraschetta, Iohannis Vicentii manovalis
o0202001.088vb 1428 luglio 27 Order to suppliers to go to Pisa with the carters to oversee the loading of marble. Text: librarum vigintiquinque et Fraschetta sub pena capsationis
o0201086.021vb 1425 giugno 8 Order to the administrator to cancel the credit of two suppliers of white marble who turn out not to be creditors. Text: Francischum Andree vocato Fraschetta de Settignano conductores
o0202001.026vc 1426 marzo 26 Order to the master builder to go to Carrara to mark the white marble to be accepted and conveyed to the Opera. Text: Checho Andree alias Fraschetta teneatur et debeat
o0202001.026vc 1426 marzo 26 Order to the master builder to go to Carrara to mark the white marble to be accepted and conveyed to the Opera. Text: conducendi Checho alias Fraschetta predicto de voluntate
o0201081.066a 1422 luglio 7 Payment for supply of white marble for the cornices. Text: et Francisco Andree Fraschetta conductoribus marmoris albi
o0201078.064b 1420/1 gennaio 14 Payment for the purchase of white marble. Text: et Francisco Andree Fraschetta de Settignano conductoribus
o0201074.043a 1418 novembre 16 Payment to stonecutters of the Opera for work in the palace of the Signori. Text: Checco Andree vocato Fraschetta et Bertino Pieri
o0201080.067c 1421/2 marzo 13 Payment to suppliers of white marble for the bargemen. Text: et Francisco Andree Fraschetta conductoribus marmoris albi
o0201080.032va 1422 maggio 20 Permission to master to work outside the Opera. Title: Fraschetta
o0201080.032va 1422 maggio 20 Permission to master to work outside the Opera. Text: quod Franciscus Andree Fraschetta de Settignano magister
o0202001.246g 1435 dicembre 30 Prohibition to demand payment from suppliers for failure to consign marble because of the Lucca war. Title: Pro Bertino Pieri, Fraschetta et Checho Mei
o0202001.246g 1435 dicembre 30 Prohibition to demand payment from suppliers for failure to consign marble because of the Lucca war. Text: Chechi Andree alias Fraschetta et Chechi Mei
o0202001.227vd 1434/5 febbraio 22 Purchase of two marble slabs for organ loft refused because not in conformity with the requested measurement. Title: Pro Checho alias Fraschetta et sociis suis
o0202001.227vd 1434/5 febbraio 22 Purchase of two marble slabs for organ loft refused because not in conformity with the requested measurement. Text: a Checho Andree Fraschetta de Settignano et
o0202001.122ve 1429/30 febbraio 14 Recovery of stones and columns in an abandoned church near the castle of Vada and letters to the Podestà of Rosignano and to the vicar of Lari for collaboration. Text: Chechus Andree alias Fraschetta et Iacobus Sandri
o0201082.022a 1423 giugno 18 Reduction of tare on marble for the cornice of the cupola. Title: Pro Fraschetta
o0202001.232a 1435 aprile 27 Registration of the daily wages of masters who went to see about a matter of the weir of Niccolò Giraldi. Title: Pro Fraschetta
o0202001.232a 1435 aprile 27 Registration of the daily wages of masters who went to see about a matter of the weir of Niccolò Giraldi. Text: per Chechum Andree Fraschetta de Settignano quemadmodum
o0202001.195g 1432/3 gennaio 23 Registration of the daily wages of two workers. Title: Pro Checho Fraschetta
o0202001.113e 1429 ottobre 4 Reimbursement of sum paid for transport of marble from Avenza to Pisa. Text: et Chechi Andree Fraschetta pro comoditate Opere
o0201072.041b 1418 aprile 7 Release of a worker who has offended an officer, provided that he promise to pay the fine. Text: Andree scarpellator vocatus Fraschetta et Angnolus Marci
o0202001.091vb 1428 agosto 31 Salary of masters for the summer. Text: VI Checho Andree Fraschetta soldos XVI Checho
o0202001.153vc 1431/2 gennaio 29 Salary set for masters. Text: VI Chechus Andree Fraschetta s. XIIII Pierus
o0201086.009va 1425 aprile 3 Salary set for two master stonecutters for the winter. Text: Andree vocato il Fraschetta de Settignano magistro
o0202001.199vf 1433 giugno 15 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: XV Chechus Andree Fraschetta s. XV Bertus
o0202001.159a 1432 aprile 29 Summer salary set for masters. Text: Checho Andree il Fraschetta soldos quattuordecim Checho
o0201080.010ve 1421/2 febbraio 6 Threat of incarceration for two suppliers in case of failure to consign the marble for the cornice of the cupola. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Fraschetta et Bertinus de
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