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Context of query
o0202001.031vc 1426 maggio 10 Prohibition to demand payment of the parish of San Giovanni of Senni for unregistered properties. Text: causam dictus populus numquam potuit nec potest
o0201077.025e 1419/20 marzo 6 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle of the church of San Martino of Vico. Text: cum ipsa ecclesia numquam fuit in rerum
o0202001.117a 1429 novembre 15 New term of payment to heirs, with obligation to the administrator to demand payment if they default, under penalty of fine. Text: de dictis quantitatibus numquam aliquid solverant, et
o0201076.030d 1419 novembre 10 Revocation of demand of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: declaraverunt ipsam vineam numquam fuisse dicti Bartolomei,
o0201074.012vb 1418 agosto 31 Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. Text: dicta gabella macinatus numquam fuit ab aliquo
o0201070b.004va 1416/7 gennaio 26 Cancellation of debt for gabelle for herd livestock, having received information that the debtor possesses none. Text: dicti loci quod numquam tenuit bestias in
o0202001.122vc 1429/30 febbraio 10 Prohibition to cooper to sell or demand any payment for his work without the consent of the master builder and other designated (master). Text: Elleri; et quod numquam possit eius ratio
o0201081.007va 1422 agosto 4 Revocation of the previous resolution on the sale price of lumber and new ruling. Text: esse ac si numquam facta fuisset. Providentes
o0201079.024a 1421 settembre 11 Term of payment to the ambassadors of the communes of the suburbs of Arezzo, with attestation of their summons to the Podestà of Arezzo. Text: et macelli et numquam in terminis vel
o0202001.095va 1428 dicembre 23 Sentence regarding a bequest made to the Opera of dotal properties of testator's sister, recognized as property of other legitimate heirs. Text: heredes supra nominatos numquam fuisse et esse
o0201081.030a 1422 novembre 24 Cancellation of debt for herd livestock because the debtor resides in place exempt from taxation, according to the attestation of his commune of residence. Text: ipse Bartholomeus nullo numquam tempore pro quantitate
o0202001.222vf 1434 ottobre 5 Letter to the count of Poppi regarding the exemption from the lumber gabelle. Text: lignaminis Opere, quoniam numquam fuit consuetum, adscribendo
o0201076.032vb 1419 dicembre 7 Price set for cartload to a quarrier of stones for the stairs in the Pope's residence. Text: Operis et nichilhominus numquam fuit aliquid retentum
o0201081.023va 1422 ottobre 6 Release of arrested guarantor and letter to the Podestà of Dicomano for information about the possession of properties, their registration and the examination of witnesses with request for reply. Text: poderis quod asserunt numquam habuisse, relapsetur et
o0201073.025vb 1418 giugno 30 Pay of a master. Text: presenti extate et numquam fuit sibi factum
o0201074.023va 1418 ottobre 19 Transfer of account for property gabelle to forced loans. Text: prestantia Iohannis et numquam excomputavit aliquid; et
o0201079.046d 1421 novembre 27 Partial cancellation of debt for gabelle for herd livestock. Text: pro bestiis quas numquam habuerit, in certa
o0201085.008b 1424 dicembre 20 Authorization to the administrator to withhold from the salary of the masters of Lastra and Malmantile a certain sum for having measured the work and reviewed the accounts. Text: que quidem rationes numquam fuerunt revise per
o0201074.026vd 1418 ottobre 27 Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans against the owner of a house bought from the wife of the true debtor. Text: quod dicta domus numquam fuit obligata pro
o0201081.017c 1422 settembre 11 Resolution to enter in the expenditures journal an allocation of funds for petty expenses not registered because of the messenger's death. Text: quod stantiamentum, quia numquam fuit confessus et
o0201082.005vc 1422/3 marzo 9 Release of arrested person for debts of communes of the Podesteria of Bucine and letter to the Podestà with summons. Text: quod, viso quod numquam responsum dedit de
o0201074.037a 1418 settembre 23 Salary of a stonecutter. Text: quolibet die et numquam fuit sibi solutum
o0202001.208f 1433 dicembre 2 Order to give back a deposit made by presumed son of a debtor and former treasurer of the contracts. Text: ser Francisci Masini numquam fuit repertus fuisse
o0201079.016vc 1421 agosto 20 Ruling in favor of lender of horses for a lost saddle with deduction from the salary of the person responsible and, for the horse, from the fees of the defaulting lumber suppliers. Text: silvam Opere, quam numquam prout ipse Papi
o0201077.020ve 1419/20 febbraio 21 Cancellation of debt for property gabelle with correction of error. Text: super bonis que numquam habuerunt; et informati
o0201073.004b 1418 aprile 18 Consignment of two fir logs to the monastery of Santa Verdiana. Text: tunc camerarii, et numquam fuerunt data dicta
o0201075.018ve 1419 aprile 12 Restitution of pawn to a laborer. Text: vinea et bona numquam fuerunt dicti Bartolomei;
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