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A1-150  A151-300  A301-450  A451-600  601-750 A751-781 





Context of query
o0202001.146c 1431 luglio 13 Authorization to sell the materials coming from the demolition of the jetties in the chiasso Bertinelli. Text: caputmagister dicte Opere sine eorum preiudicio et
o0202001.147g 1431 agosto 16 Restitution of pawn wrongfully exacted. Text: quod restituatur pignus sine aliqua solutione cuidam
o0202001.147vb 1431 agosto 21 Removal of the household goods from the houses of the chaplains who failed to observe liturgical duties. Text: de dicta sacristia sine eorum mandato, partito
o0202001.148a 1431 agosto 28 Registration of the daily wages of those who worked on the demolition of the jetties of the chiasso Bertinelli. Text: super giornatis Opere sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.148g 1431 settembre 25 Oath of wardens; approval of guarantor. Text: requisitionem prefati Laurentii sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.149vb 1431 settembre 25 Restitution of house keys with condition that they not be given to a chaplain. Text: intrare non possit sine eorum partito.
o0202001.149vc 1431 settembre 25 Order to consign the keys of the spiral staircase to the administrator. Text: et nulli dentur sine eorum partito.
o0202001.149vd 1431 ottobre 4 Confiscation of the belongings of Piovano Arlotto left in an altar. Text: non tradantur alicui sine eorum partito et
o0202001.149vg 1431 ottobre 4 Authority to contract out the making of lumber from tree tops left in the forest. Text: Sandri scharpellator Opere sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.151vb 1431 novembre 28 Authorization to private person to cut fir trees in the forest of the Opera. Text: Simonis de Biffolis sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.151vf 1431 novembre 28 Authorization to buy a bench cover. Text: exitum camerarii Opere sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.151vh 1431 dicembre 12 Authorization to buy a vein of iron for the reinforcement chains of the church. Text: caputmagister dicte Opere sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.152va 1431/2 gennaio 4 Oath of wardens. Text: bene, legaliter et sine fraude facere et
o0202001.156vg 1431/2 marzo 23 Prohibition to the masons to work outside the Opera without permission and injunction to those already gone to return. Title: ire extra Operam sine licentia
o0202001.156vg 1431/2 marzo 23 Prohibition to the masons to work outside the Opera without permission and injunction to those already gone to return. Text: diebus laborativis alio sine expressa licentia prepositi
o0202001.157vh 1432 aprile 6 Prohibition to the masters to work outside the Opera without permission of the provost. Text: laborerio Opere absentare sine licentia prepositi offitii
o0202001.158f 1432 aprile 16 Commission to contract out four stained glass windows in the tribune of Saint Zenobius. Text: presens quam futurus sine aliquo suo preiudicio
o0202001.158g 1432 aprile 24 Authorization to pay the days worked by a master. Text: camerarius Opere prefate sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.158va 1432 aprile 24 Authorization to sell a slab. Text: seu caputmagister Opere sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.158vc 1432 aprile 24 Authorization to transfer the altarpiece of the Guild of the Masters to another altar and permission to have mass celebrated there. Text: quod Batista Antonii sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.159va 1432 aprile 29 Price fixed for a cartload of earth removed. Text: quod camerarius Opere sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.159vc 1432 aprile 29 Authority to set the salary for unskilled workers. Text: quod camerarius Opere sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.159vf 1432 maggio 5 Prohibition to pay allocations of funds and enter monies under expenditure without permit. Text: quod camerarius Opere sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.159vf 1432 maggio 5 Prohibition to pay allocations of funds and enter monies under expenditure without permit. Text: poni ad exitum sine licentia ipsorum operariorum.
o0202001.159vg 1432 maggio 5 Release of a person arrested through mistaken identity. Text: Dominici Duccii captus, sine expensis exactoris.
o0202001.159vh 1432 maggio 5 Prohibition to the debt collectors to make demands of payment without permit. Text: per exactores Opere sine licentia ipsorum operariorum.
o0202001.159vi 1432 maggio 5 Restitution of pawn. Text: Pelosi Pennechini (restituatur) sine aliqua solutione, considerata
o0202001.161m 1432 maggio 30 Authorization to lend lumber to the confraternity of Spirito Santo. Text: quod provisor Opere sine suo preiudicio comodare
o0202001.161vb 1432 maggio 30 Registration of the days worked in the restoration of the oculus of the facade towards the bell tower. Text: custos rerum Opere sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.161ve 1432 giugno 6 Permission to a master to work for the wardens of the Baptistery of San Giovanni. Text: vocato Massa scharpellator sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.162i 1432 giugno 17 Prohibition to lend anything without the decree of the wardens. Title: de rebus Opere sine partito operariorum non
o0202001.162i 1432 giugno 17 Prohibition to lend anything without the decree of the wardens. Text: de prefata Opera sine partito et deliberatione
o0202001.163a 1432 giugno 27 Order to execute a model of the oculus of the lantern in order to test the real effect of its closing ring. Text: Antonii provisores Opere sine eorum preiudicio et
o0202001.163vf 1432 luglio 9 Release of arrested person because not heir of a testamentary debt. Text: et Communis Florentie sine aliqua solutione, quia
o0202001.163vf 1432 luglio 9 Release of arrested person because not heir of a testamentary debt. Text: quod notarius Opere sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.164vd 1432 luglio 11 Election of debt collectors with regulations about fees for precepts to debtors. Text: pertransiri non potest sine maxima verecundia e
o0202001.165vl 1432 luglio 18 Authorization to pay a layer of pavements. Text: Paulo Angeli lastricatori sine aliquo suo preiudicio
o0202001.165vo 1432 luglio 18 Release of arrested person. Text: quod notarius Opere sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.166c 1432 luglio 18 Authority to the wardens to cancel debts for forced loans, with restitution of pawns. Text: quod notarius Opere sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.166c 1432 luglio 18 Authority to the wardens to cancel debts for forced loans, with restitution of pawns. Text: diem eidem restituantur sine aliqua solutione gravamenti
o0202001.167c 1432 agosto 12 Prohibition to purchase broad bricks without the consent of the wardens. Text: die in antea sine eorum deliberatione et
o0202001.168b 1432 agosto 22 Injunction for restitution of pledge made contrary to the opinion of the wardens. Text: teneatur et debeat sine aliqua solutione alicuius
o0202001.168va 1432 settembre 17 Notification of a debt for lumber cut for other parties without authorization. Text: et qualiter ipse sine mandato ipsorum operariorum
o0202001.168va 1432 settembre 17 Notification of a debt for lumber cut for other parties without authorization. Text: prestantiis novarum gabellarum sine aliquo preiudicio et
o0202001.169h 1432 settembre 5 Permission to a master to work at Santa Maria Nuova. Text: mense dicto hospitali sine aliquo suo preiudicio
o0202001.170b 1425 luglio 12 Authorization to spend funds for work on the houses of the canons and chaplains. Text: in concordia possint sine aliquo eorum preiudicio
o0202001.171a 1425/6 febbraio 4 Election and annual salary of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti. Text: unam horam continuam sine aliquo intervallo, sub
o0202001.171vb 1426 novembre 28 Authorization to the master builder to have a stable made in the house of a canon and windows in that of another. Text: caputmagister dicte Opere sine aliquo eius preiudicio
o0202001.171vf 1427 aprile 11 Prohibition to finance donations of food during the festivities of Easter and All Saints, except to six wardens, the notary and the treasurer. Text: operariorum dicte Opere sine deliberatione dictorum consulum
o0202001.172c 1427 agosto 4 Authority to wardens for repairs to the houses of the canons and chaplains. Text: camerarius dicte Opere sine aliquo eius preiudicio
o0202001.172va 1427 agosto 4 Construction of houses in the cloister for new canons and permission to two of them to live outside until the completion of the work. Text: Sancti Michaelis Berteldi sine aliquo ipsorum preiudicio
o0202001.172vb 1427 ottobre 14 Authorization to the administrator to make adjustments to the sacristy. Text: provisor prefate Opere sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.173a 1427 ottobre 14 Prohibition to cut wood in the forest of Campigna to persons not associated with the Opera. Text: nec incidi facere sine deliberatione prefatorum consulum
o0202001.173va 1428 luglio 15 Approval of resolution for the construction of a tomb monument in a new chapel to be dedicated to Saint Zenobius. Text: sit honorabilis et sine tabula ita et
o0202001.174b 1428 ottobre 12 Readmission of two unskilled workers previously dismissed. Text: deliberaverunt quod operarii sine eorum preiudicio possint
o0202001.175f 1429 luglio 21 Confirmation of the supervisors of the cupola. Text: quod impossibile esset sine eorum provisione et
o0202001.175vb 1429 settembre 22 Prohibition to (sculptor) to begin the marble figure commissioned to him. Text: super ea scharpellum sine expressa licentia prefatorum
o0202001.175vb 1429 settembre 22 Prohibition to (sculptor) to begin the marble figure commissioned to him. Text: Bernardum trahy facere sine expresso partito consulum
o0202001.176b 1429 dicembre 2 Authorization to (canon) to live outside the cloister. Text: Thommas de Bordella sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.177a 1430/1 gennaio 23 Destruction of the model of the church except for the armature of the cupola. Text: caputmagister prefate Opere sine alio partito et
o0202001.177b 1431 giugno 23 Reconfirmation of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti as supervisors of the cupola. Text: dicto edifitio et sine eorum industria impossibile
o0202001.177c 1431 giugno 23 Allocation of funds for gloves for wardens and other officials for the feast of Saint John. Text: camerarius Opere prefate sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.177vb 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to give distributions to the chaplains who have been forbidden to say mass and stay in the cloister. Text: perventis quam perveniendis sine deliberatione et partito
o0202001.177vc 1431 ottobre 10 Prohibition to lend things of the sacristy without permit of the wardens, consuls and sacristans appointed by the consuls, with some exceptions. Text: pertinent(ium) sacristie prefate sine deliberatione et partito
o0202001.179b 1434 aprile 22 Revocation of demand of payment for marble utilized for arms installed at La Verna. Text: Commune Florentie concederetur, sine expresso partito et
o0202001.179c 1434 aprile 27 Prohibition to return some pawns without the authorization of the consuls and of the wardens. Text: cuiuscumque gradus existat sine deliberatione et partito
o0202001.179e 1434 giugno 17 Commission to return some pawns. Text: instantia Opere ablata sine partito et deliberatione
o0202001.179va 1434 agosto 12 Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. Text: lanternam dicte cupole sine qua predicta cupola
o0202001.187a 1432 settembre 19 Restitution of pawn. Text: della Gramaticha restituatur sine aliqua retentione, et
o0202001.187d 1432 settembre 19 Prohibition to continue to work in the Opera to masters who failed to present themselves after having been drawn to serve. Text: laborare in Opera sine eorum partito et
o0202001.188d 1432 ottobre 3 Injunction for redemption of pawns. Text: provisor dicte Opere sine alio partito et
o0202001.189a 1432 ottobre 17 Sale of building materials to a canon for a stable. Text: pro uno stabulo sine aliquo partito pro
o0202001.189g 1432 ottobre 29 Restitution of a pawn for debt of pardons of forced loans with obligation to give guaranty. Text: quod provisor Opere sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.189vh 1432 ottobre 31 Salary set for workers for the winter and for the past summer. Text: camerarius prefate Opere sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.190vh 1432 novembre 28 Order to accredit to a stonecutter the salary and the expenditures incurred for a trip to the forest. Text: quod provisor Opere sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.191va 1432 dicembre 3 Order to register Brunelleschi's account for a supply of marble according to the settlement that two wardens will make. Text: Angeli Ciai possit sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.191vc 1432 dicembre 3 Restitution of pawn to the holder of a house obtained through the officials of the Commune from a rebel and debtor of the Opera. Text: pignorum dicte Opere sine aliqua solutione alicuius
o0202001.191vd 1432 dicembre 3 Extinction of demand of payment and new procedure of notification of debt for the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova. Text: expectant(ibus) dicte Opere, sine alia requisitione seu
o0202001.191vd 1432 dicembre 3 Extinction of demand of payment and new procedure of notification of debt for the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova. Text: hospitali de facto sine aliqua deliberatione vel
o0202001.191vd 1432 dicembre 3 Extinction of demand of payment and new procedure of notification of debt for the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova. Text: dictorum offitialium et sine aliqua solutione expensarum
o0202001.193b 1432 dicembre 9 Prohibition to the debt collectors to demand payment of debtors and letters to the rectors of the Vicariates of the Mugello and of the countryside to force guarantors and debtors to make payment. Text: Opere de cetero sine eorum partito et
o0202001.193ve 1432 dicembre 18 Registration of the daily wages of a master. Text: in laborerio Opere sine deliberatione dicti offitii
o0202001.194g 1432 dicembre 27 Order to the master builder to make repairs to the marble revetment of the chapel of Saint Zenobius. Text: quod caputmagister Opere sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.194h 1432 dicembre 27 Dismissal of a debt collector and his pecuniary sentence. Text: pluribus debitoribus Opere sine solutione Opere sibi
o0202001.194va 1432 dicembre 27 Selective rehiring of 7 unskilled workers. Text: laborare in Opera sine eorum partito exceptis
o0202001.195b 1432/3 gennaio 7 Letter to the Podestà of Pistoia in favor of a Jewish money-lender. Text: indirectam possit gravari sine eorum partito.
o0202001.195vi 1432/3 febbraio 18 Prohibition to the master builder to hire unskilled workers without authorization. Text: laborandum aliquem manovalem sine deliberatione et partito
o0202001.195vo 1432/3 marzo 4 Prohibition to demand payment. Text: Opere non graventur sine partito et deliberatione
o0202001.197a 1433 aprile 29 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: presens quam futurus sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.197vc 1433 maggio 6 Oath of two wardens. Text: bene, legaliter et sine fraude facere et
o0202001.198d 1433 maggio 15 Term of payment to the Commune of Figline with release of arrested persons. Text: Stincharum Communis Florentie sine aliquo preiudicio et
o0202001.198ve 1433 maggio 22 Payment to the vice master builder for having worked holidays. Text: super magna cupola, sine aliquo alio paghamento.
o0202001.199vc 1433 giugno 10 Election of master to make the chains for the fortification of the church. Text: aliis instrumentis, laboret sine aliqua merce(de) de
o0202001.199vf 1433 giugno 15 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: presens quam futurus sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.200vg 1433 giugno 16 Order to the stonecutters to each keep a hammer of his own. Text: scribere operas ipsorum sine partito offitii ipsorum
o0202001.200vi 1433 giugno 18 Prohibition to send masters and employees with salary over 15 soldi to convoke the wardens. Text: congregandum offitium operariorum sine partito ipsorum operariorum,
o0202001.201vc 1433 giugno 30 Authorization for the payment of a cowherd. Text: de pecunia Opere sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.201vg 1433 luglio 3 Oath of wardens and commission for new placement of a figure of Isaiah, freeing a chapel in order to make an underground vault there. Text: bene, legaliter et sine fraude facere et
o0202001.203e 1433 luglio 13 Order to six masters to continue to work in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: et non alibi sine eorum partito, alias
o0202001.204f 1433 agosto 11 Term of payment to the Commune of Laterina. Text: ablata dicta occaxione sine expensa, considerato ipsum
o0202001.204vc 1433 agosto 13 Authority to a warden to lease the Trassinaia quarry. Text: tempore sex annorum sine aliquo pretio, et
o0202001.204vh 1433 settembre 1 Oath of wardens. Text: bene, legaliter et sine fraude facere et
o0202001.204vl 1433 settembre 1 Term of payment with threat of sale of pawn. Text: provisor dicte Opere sine alio partito teneatur
o0202001.205vf 1433 ottobre 9 Salary set for masters for the summer. Text: de pecunia Opere sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.206a 1433 ottobre 9 Salary set for the summer for masters sent to lay waste and to work in the Pisan countryside. Text: de pecunia Opere sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.206c 1433 ottobre 9 Authorization to deduct from the debt of the Commune of Pozzo a sum allocated to Jacopo of Sandro. Text: Commune non gravetur sine deliberatione offitii ipsorum
o0202001.206e 1433 ottobre 9 Registration of the days worked by a master to carry out a trip to the forest. Text: dicta de causa, sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.206g 1433 ottobre 9 Letter to the rectors of the Pisan countryside for recovery of hardware and bells from the castles laid waste. Text: de pecunia Opere sine alio stantiamento sine
o0202001.206g 1433 ottobre 9 Letter to the rectors of the Pisan countryside for recovery of hardware and bells from the castles laid waste. Text: sine alio stantiamento sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.206vg 1433 ottobre 26 Price fixed for carriage of stone blocks from Trassinaia for the closing of the great cupola. Text: presens quam futurus sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.206vh 1433 ottobre 26 Authorization to set price of carriage of animals taken to the Pisan countryside in order to lay waste to the castles. Text: de pecunia Opere sine suo preiudicio, et
o0202001.206vi 1433 ottobre 26 Authorization to pay ironware to be added to the stained glass window of the tribune of the Saint Zenobius chapel. Text: Opere expensis Opere sine alio stantiamento secundum
o0202001.207g 1433 novembre 19 Hiring of masters to work at Trassinaia. Text: non possint laborare sine eorum partito nisi
o0202001.207va 1433 novembre 23 Prohibition to the masters to work at Trassinaia without permission of the wardens. Text: Trassinarie possit laborare sine eorum partito a
o0202001.207vf 1433 novembre 26 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: laboraverunt presenti hyeme sine aliquo suo preiudicio
o0202001.208vh 1433 dicembre 30 Authorization to the treasurer and to the notary to remain in office up to the new drawing. Text: et non plus sine eorum preiudicio et
o0202001.209va 1433/4 gennaio 18 Prohibition to recently nominated masters to work without new authorization. Text: laborare in Opera sine eorum partito.
o0202001.210a 1433/4 febbraio 3 Term for the forced sale to the Opera of a shed and of a garden intended for the use of Opera personnel. Text: dictam quantitatem florenorum sine aliqua mercede propterea
o0202001.210a 1433/4 febbraio 3 Term for the forced sale to the Opera of a shed and of a garden intended for the use of Opera personnel. Text: teneretur dicto tempore sine aliqua mercede propterea
o0202001.210va 1433/4 febbraio 11 Order of arrest on grounds of breach of contract. Text: et non relapsentur sine eorum partito, actento
o0202001.211ve 1433/4 marzo 18 Term of payment to a debtor and threat of sale of pawns. Text: quod provisor Opere sine aliquo alio partito
o0202001.211vg 1433/4 marzo 18 Election of a stonecutter. Text: non possit laborare sine licentia caputmagistri dicte
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: qua queritur puto sine dubitatione procedere et
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: habet. Et ideo sine ulteriori prosecutione concludo
o0202001.212e 1433/4 marzo 24 Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. Text: et de facto sine aliqua expensa revocari
o0202001.213a 1434 aprile 4 Permission to a stonecutter to work outside the Opera. Text: possit reverti postea sine aliquo alio partito
o0202001.213b 1434 aprile 4 Restitution of pawn. Text: quod provisor Opere sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.213c 1434 aprile 5 Restitution of pawns to the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala. Text: provisor dicte Opere sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.213c 1434 aprile 5 Restitution of pawns to the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala. Text: possessoribus dicti hospitalis sine aliqua solutione propterea
o0202001.213vb 1434 aprile 13 Prohibition to masters to work without authorization and hiring of masters. Text: aprilis in futurum sine eorum partito, exceptis
o0202001.214vg 1434 aprile 16 Restitution of the deposit of a canon for a residence. Text: eidem domino Roberto sine aliquo suo preiudicio
o0202001.215f 1434 aprile 22 Concession of a house to two masters of glass oculi. Text: et forma concesserunt sine aliquo pretio nisi
o0202001.215vd 1434 aprile 26 Letter to the vicar of Valdarno against one of his subjects. Text: ex eo quod sine eorum mandato fecit
o0202001.215vf 1434 aprile 26 Order to arrest a supplier of marble for failure to carry out his appointed task. Text: non possit exire sine eorum partito, actento
o0202001.216ve 1434 maggio 14 Restitution of part of pawns. Text: se habet, possit sine alio partito.
o0202001.216vf 1434 maggio 15 Authorization to the notary to write to the rectors of the countryside against the debtors. Text: quod notarius Opere sine alio partito et
o0202001.217c 1434 maggio 15 Cancellation of debt and restitution of a pawn. Text: quod notarius Opere sine sue preiudicio et
o0202001.217c 1434 maggio 15 Cancellation of debt and restitution of a pawn. Text: de causa ablatum sine aliqua solutione alicuius
o0202001.217vf 1434 giugno 9 Recompense of the contribution of a canon for a stable, now destroyed, through work on his house and cancellation of a debt. Text: expensarum dicti stabuli sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.219b 1434 luglio 23 Rent of a house and evacuation order to whoever is temporarily occupying it. Text: Antonii caputmagister Opere sine aliquo suo preiudicio
o0202001.219va 1434 luglio 30 Permission to a master to work at the request of the Sea Consuls, with loan of pulleys. Text: et postea possit sine alio partito et
o0202001.219va 1434 luglio 30 Permission to a master to work at the request of the Sea Consuls, with loan of pulleys. Text: provisor Opere possit sine suo preiudicio et
o0202001.220c 1434 agosto 12 Arrest order following failure to answer summons. Text: et persona; et sine eorum partito non
o0202001.221h 1434 agosto 26 Detention of a consul of the Guild of the Masters. Title: et non relapsetur sine eorum deliberatione
o0202001.221h 1434 agosto 26 Detention of a consul of the Guild of the Masters. Text: et non relapsetur sine eorum licentia, et
o0202001.223va 1434 novembre 5 Letter to the Elders of Lucca. Text: omnia eorum grata sine aliqua dilatione.
o0202001.223vd 1434 novembre 5 Loan of certificates of interest payments of public debt. Text: ad introytum Opere sine alia licentia, et
o0202001.224e 1434 dicembre 13 Oath of two wardens. Text: bene, legaliter et sine fraude facere et
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: pecunia dicte Opere sine aliquo suo preiudicio
o0202001.227m 1434/5 febbraio 15 Registration of the daily wages of masters who have worked at the request of the wardens but without their resolution. Title: magistrorum qui laboraverunt sine partito
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