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Context of query
o0202001.193d 1432 dicembre 9 Declaration of debt for two ex treasurers. Bartolomeo d'Agnolo Ciai, provveditore - fa rapporto su ragioni dei camarlinghi
o0204013.096vd 1435 aprile 26 Payment for audit of the accounts of the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Bernardo di Niccolò di Tura Dini - rivede ragioni camarlinghi gabelle
o0204013.096ve 1435 aprile 26 Payment for audit of the accounts of the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Bernardo di Niccolò di Tura Dini - rivede ragioni camarlinghi gabelle
o0201072.016vb 1417/8 febbraio 1 Order to consign the funds of the preceding administrations to the treasurer. camarlinghi - consegna di resti di cassa
o0202001.237ve 1435 luglio 6 Obligation to the administrator and the notary of the Opera to notify the treasurers of the regulations of the Opera and transmit to the wardens and the foreign officer of the (Wool) Guild the names of the treasurers who fail to observe such regulations. camarlinghi - obbligati a rispettare ordinamenti
o0204012.070vb 1427/8 marzo 23 Payment to accountants for audit of the account of the treasurers. camarlinghi - revisione della ragione
o0202001.069vh 1427 ottobre 20 Election of accountants to audit the records of the treasurers of the forced loans. camarlinghi alle prestanze
o0202001.074f 1427 dicembre 23 Audit of the accounts of the treasurers of the forced loans. camarlinghi alle prestanze - revisione della ragione
o0202001.071c 1427 ottobre 30 Election of accountant for the audit of the records of the treasurers of the forced loans. camarlinghi alle prestanze - revisione della ragione
o0202001.069vh 1427 ottobre 20 Election of accountants to audit the records of the treasurers of the forced loans. camarlinghi alle prestanze - revisione della ragione
o0202001.069vh 1427 ottobre 20 Election of accountants to audit the records of the treasurers of the forced loans. camarlinghi alle prestanze - revisione della ragione
o0202001.081n 1428 aprile 19 Election of accountants to audit the records of the treasurers of the forced loans. camarlinghi alle prestanze - revisione della ragione
o0202001.081vf 1428 aprile 24 Election of accountants to audit the records of the treasurers of the forced loans. camarlinghi alle prestanze - revisione della ragione
o0202001.081vg 1428 aprile 28 Election of new accountant for the audit of the records of the treasurers of the forced loans. camarlinghi alle prestanze - revisione della ragione
o0202001.082g 1428 aprile 30 Election of new accountant for the audit of the records of the treasurers of the forced loans. camarlinghi alle prestanze - revisione della ragione
o0202001.081vo 1428 aprile 28 Term of payment to the treasurers of the forced loans after the audit of the their account. camarlinghi alle prestanze - revisione delle ragione
o0204012.075a 1428 aprile 30 Payment to accountants for audit of the records of the treasurer of the forced loans. camarlinghi delle prestanze - revisione della ragione
o0204004.015g 1432 dicembre 9 Order to settle accounts at the rate of the communal treasury and to leave only small change. consoli - eleggono ragioniere revisore camarlinghi
o0201075.005f 1418/9 gennaio 27 Election of the accountant to review the records of the treasurer of the new gabelles. Francesco di Nuto di Francesco, speziale ragioniere - rivede ragioni camarlinghi gabelle
o0204013.096vd 1435 aprile 26 Payment for audit of the accounts of the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Giovanni di Guglielmo Cortigiani - rivede ragioni camarlinghi gabelle
o0204013.096ve 1435 aprile 26 Payment for audit of the accounts of the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Giovanni di Guglielmo Cortigiani - rivede ragioni camarlinghi gabelle
o0204013.096vg 1435 aprile 29 Payment for audit of the accounts of the treasurers of the forced loans. Lodovico di Niccolò di ser Lodovico Doffi - rivede ragioni camarlinghi prestanze
o0202001.230i 1435 aprile 22 Election of an accountant for the audit of the accounts of the treasurers of the forced loans active from the 1425 onwards. Lodovico di Niccolò di ser Lodovico Doffi, ragioniere - rivede ragioni camarlinghi prestanze
o0202001.228c 1434/5 marzo 10 Term to the (treasurer of the forced loans) for the presentation for auditing of his accounts of the 6 denari per lira collected for pardons. Lodovico di Niccolò di ser Lodovico Doffi, ragioniere - rivede ragioni camarlinghi prestanze
o0204013.087vc 1434/5 gennaio 11 Payment to a servant of the public debt for work in recovering books of forced loans that were given to the accountant. Lotto Bischeri, ragioniere per le prestanze - revisione conti camarlinghi prestanze
o0201078.019ve 1421 aprile 7 Request of the accountants to confront the books of forced loans and new gabelles kept by the treasurer with those kept by the notary. Matteo di maestro Falcone, ragioniere - riscontra entrate a camarlinghi e notai
o0202001.237ve 1435 luglio 6 Obligation to the administrator and the notary of the Opera to notify the treasurers of the regulations of the Opera and transmit to the wardens and the foreign officer of the (Wool) Guild the names of the treasurers who fail to observe such regulations. notaio dell'Opera - obbligato a notificare ordinamenti ai camarlinghi
o0202001.230vc 1435 aprile 22 Term to the treasurers of the gabelles and forced loans in office from the 1425 for presentation of their rights or consignment of money collected and not paid, under penalty of dispatch to debtors' registry. operai - non revisionano camarlinghi
o0202001.237ve 1435 luglio 6 Obligation to the administrator and the notary of the Opera to notify the treasurers of the regulations of the Opera and transmit to the wardens and the foreign officer of the (Wool) Guild the names of the treasurers who fail to observe such regulations. operai - ricevono segnalazione camarlinghi non ligi ordinamenti
o0201078.019ve 1421 aprile 7 Request of the accountants to confront the books of forced loans and new gabelles kept by the treasurer with those kept by the notary. Piero di ser Nofri Biffoli, ragioniere - riscontra entrate a camarlinghi e notai
o0202001.230vc 1435 aprile 22 Term to the treasurers of the gabelles and forced loans in office from the 1425 for presentation of their rights or consignment of money collected and not paid, under penalty of dispatch to debtors' registry. provveditore - invia a specchio camarlinghi
o0202001.238a 1435 luglio 15 Term for exculpation from debt to the treasurers of the forced loans, in absence of which they will be dispatched to the debtors' registry. provveditore - invia a specchio camarlinghi prestanze
o0204004.012b 1432 ottobre 14 Authorization to the administrator to denounce to the Commune those treasurers who are debtors of the Opera. provveditore - manda a specchio i camarlinghi debitori
o0204004.015g 1432 dicembre 9 Order to settle accounts at the rate of the communal treasury and to leave only small change. provveditore - notifica norme revisione ai ragionieri dei camarlinghi
o0202001.237ve 1435 luglio 6 Obligation to the administrator and the notary of the Opera to notify the treasurers of the regulations of the Opera and transmit to the wardens and the foreign officer of the (Wool) Guild the names of the treasurers who fail to observe such regulations. provveditore - obbligato a notificare ordinamenti ai camarlinghi
o0202001.104c 1429 aprile 12 Order to the administrator to enjoin the treasurers of the Commune for the amount due to the Opera with term of payment, under penalty of dismissal from office. provveditore - precetta camarlinghi
o0201075.005e 1418/9 gennaio 27 Injunction to the gabelle treasurers to present their books to the administrator for auditing. provveditore - rivede ragioni camarlinghi
o0202001.230a 1435 aprile 8 Order to keep a book for the past treasurers of forced loans from the 1425 onwards and to have the accountants make settlement for the monies transferred. provveditore - tiene libro per camarlinghi prestanze
o0202001.228c 1434/5 marzo 10 Term to the (treasurer of the forced loans) for the presentation for auditing of his accounts of the 6 denari per lira collected for pardons. ragioniere compagno di Lodovico Doffi - rivede ragioni camarlinghi prestanze
o0202001.238a 1435 luglio 15 Term for exculpation from debt to the treasurers of the forced loans, in absence of which they will be dispatched to the debtors' registry. ragionieri - dichiarano debitori i camarlinghi
o0202001.236i 1435 giugno 28 Extension to two treasurers of the forced loans for the presentation of their accounts following the settlement made by the accountants. ragionieri - fanno saldo a camarlinghi prestanze
o0202001.230a 1435 aprile 8 Order to keep a book for the past treasurers of forced loans from the 1425 onwards and to have the accountants make settlement for the monies transferred. ragionieri - fanno saldo a camarlinghi prestanze
o0202001.193c 1432 dicembre 9 Regulations for the accountants concerning the value of the florin to be applied to the audit of the accounts of the treasurers. ragionieri - norme per revisionare ragioni camarlinghi
o0202001.237ve 1435 luglio 6 Obligation to the administrator and the notary of the Opera to notify the treasurers of the regulations of the Opera and transmit to the wardens and the foreign officer of the (Wool) Guild the names of the treasurers who fail to observe such regulations. ufficiale forestiero dell'Arte (della Lana) - riceve segnalazione camarlinghi non ligi
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